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Chapter Four: Arrival

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The men I previously hand-picked as the warriors assigned human breeding-mates stand on the bridge, watching through the shimmering viewers as we leave the Ether continuum. The brilliance around us, hues of purple and blue, fade to the dullness of stars against a black backdrop.

I press my fingertips against the arm of my chair and the viewer sizzles for a second before the human vessel comes into focus. It's a bastardization of various species' travel vehicles, as though it was cobbled together from a waste field.

"We have a request for visual contact," my communications officer calls.

I nod at him. The viewer directly ahead of me shifts and soon a human comes into focus.

I sense the revulsion in my men as they see the human for the first time. I work hard to contain my own reaction. This one has pink skin, mottled with red on his cheeks and nose. Short, rounded ears sit on either side of his head. He barely has any hair at all.

"Captain Draek." He places a hand over his heart. "I'm pleased to see you have arrived. My name is Captain Cole, and I have been designated to facilitate this transition."

"Hello," I say carefully, the word strange in my mouth.

There are no pleasant clicks or whirls to the human language that I can wrap my tongue around. It is a failing of their anatomy, I suppose. After all, a human tongue is only two-thirds the size of a Schovali tongue.

"I am pleased to begin the arrangement between our people," I say. The horizontal slits of Captain Cole's eyes are unnerving. These creatures are so outlandish...perhaps I should worry about whether I will be repulsed by my breeding-mate, rather than the other way around. "We eagerly await our breeding-mates."

Captain Cole smiles. Finally, something that seems more familiar. It makes the strange alien creature a little more familiar. "We've prepared a roster of the females aboard. As you requested, there are no pictures attached. Physical and intellectual attributes have been listed."

"Thank you. We will review before my men board your ship."

I glance at my communications officer. He nods, indicating we have the roster. I cut communication with the human and pull the roster up. I send a pulse through the ship, calling for Eildan to join me.

One of my men breaks the silence. "Will their women look like that? How are we meant to fuck something that looks like that?"

"Put a bag over her head?" another one chuckles.

"Enough," I snap. "You will treat these females with the same courtesy as you wish your sisters to be treated with."

The men sober.

This is why these are the men who will receive human breeding-mates. They all have sisters, and none have betrothed or wives. Their sisters have been selected for the other half of this trade agreement. It's my hope that by giving their sisters to the humans, these men will be more genteel with the human females.

The door that leads to my private chambers slides open and Eildan steps in. She wears a full dress, her hair in intricate braids before being piled on her head.

Some of the men give her surprised looks, but I smile at her. "Ah, Eildan. You were quick to come at my summons."

She takes delicate steps to my side, her head lowered as is proper in such a situation.

"These are our breeding-mates," I tell her, nodding to the screen. I put an arm around her, pleased as she melts into my side. "If you see anything that interests you, whisper in my ear."

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