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Chapter Six: Meeting Miranda Chase

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"Okay, Miranda."

I repeat her name in my mind as I make a mental note to research what this "okay" means.

I am pleased that human females look different from human males. Like our women, they have breasts and hips which create a pleasant, soft curve to their bodies.

Miranda is pink like the two men, but her hair is much longer. She also has constellations of freckles scattered over her cheeks and nose. The unique pattern will easily help me distinguish her in future.

Most fascinating are her eyes. Despite the horizontal slits, they are the most beautiful shade I have ever seen. So deep and dark. Brown as the human delight known as "chocolate."

The dress she wears clings to her womanly figure, showing more collarbone and arms than what we consider appropriate, but I enjoy the way her skirt swishes on the ground. It makes those incessant sparkles tolerable.

I hope that, when I see the other females, they are easier to tell apart than the males.

"I wish to see your nurseries, if you will not show me to the breeding rooms," I say, looking at her expectantly.

Her hair, which has the red-brown tint of iron-rich earth, is loose and flips about her shoulders as she shakes her head. "We don't have nurseries on board. We didn't bring any kids."

I frown at her, trying to place this new word. "From what I have studied of your language, 'kid' refers to the infant of an ungulate species that includes both domesticated and wild creatures, used for fiber, milk, and meat. Then what do such creatures have to do with nurseries?"

Miranda's mouth opens and then snaps shut suddenly. She turns away as her shoulders start to shake.

"Are you laughing at me?" My hackles raise.

"N-no," she says. Obviously lying. I fold my arms as I wait for her to bring herself back under control. She clears her throat but still does not turn to me. "We use 'kids' as slang for human children too. I'm sure you're going to find a hell of a lot more confuses you than just that."

I sigh as I stride past her. "Then let us start this tour, Miranda. And I hope you will better control yourself during the treaty signing. I will offend enough of my men just by permitting you to be there."

I will also allow Eildan to choose to attend or not. The females should be part of the signing, as it's only through their services this treaty will go forward. But if Miranda Chase does not prove herself to be more contained, I will have to remove her from the females being traded.

Regardless of her qualifications, I will not be made a fool of in my own city.

Her back stiffens as she turns once more, facing me. "Excuse me?"

Is this her apology? I hope for more than that but perhaps it is too early yet. Just like I will not shake the hand of any human until they have proven their worthiness of my respect, I will not hold these lapses in protocol against Miranda. She simply does not know better.

I nod at her. "You are forgiven."

"What the hell do I need to be forgiven for?" she snarls at me, sounding just like the apex predator species from Regnal Four. All claws and teeth those creatures are. She even seems to puff up as they do.

However, the species of Regnal Four are so little they may curl into the palm of my hand. They are appealing as pets. Miranda's anger, too, holds no threat in it.

"You were very rude to laugh," I tell her. "Is that not why you asked to be excused?"

"I was being polite—"

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