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Did he ever loved me?

Coz he told he would love me till all the stars in the galaxy dies....
But he is gone
now the bright shinning stars laugh on my state every night.....

He promised me that he would love me till the depth of ocean......

But as he is not here
I went to ocean but
Ocean didn't laughed at my state like Stars....
Instead he smiled at me warmly.....
He told me his story
That how moon feel in love with sun and betrayed ocean
That how much he cried till he became all salty.....
After listening to him I asked him his depth....
But what an irony
That the ocean who reflects the whole world
Failed to reveal it's own depth.....

But from all this I learnt one thing
That the promises carved on the stones can also be washed away.....

Forever is an illusion

And about love....
I still love you with the only memories that you left....
But love is a wound
that never heals
Coz it's hurting
My now broken heart still feels......

"I thought I was a whole person until I saw half of me walking away.....
Coz he was a part of me but now is apart from me"

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