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My looks told everything was fine
I don't want others to look
what's hidden behind

Cause their lies a
Messy mind,
scattered heart
and a tired soul...

That soul laughed on me every time when

I smiled again
That smile was bigger than before

Thought it didn't reached my eyes
nobody noticed
Cause my eyes were shining too
Even after crying all night

Oh! I loved my lips
Cause somehow
They always managed to carve out the best smile,
As well as hold back the sobs when needed...

"I am tired" my soul cried
almost every night
My Tears looked out for darkness to hide
Heart spills its sorrows at night
Under the moon light

That moon
Who grants me the strength to rise
Even after breaking every night...

(I had been feeling so tired lately but in reality my soul is the one who was tired...and sleep really don't helps when your soul is tired...
But even after all this shit we are still surviving coz their is something named HOPE is with us...
So we should start to live for our REASON of HOPE instead of living for shitty peoples...)

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