4. In Love with a Madman

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Once the shock of what Nik had said passed I chased after him but he was gone. He really was crazy. Why couldn't he see I was in love with him and only him? I saw Elijah as a brother, I loved him like family... the same way I loved Rebekah.

Now Nik had gone and done something to Elijah and it was my fault. I had to fix it. It dawned on me to check the basement. Nik had brought his siblings' coffins here to New Orleans, which I honestly thought was morbid. He had no need for them anymore... or so I thought anyway.

When I reached the large room that ran beneath the entire house I stopped short. There were two coffins which I expected. What threw me was that I immediately recognised Rebekah's coffin but not the other one, it was new. I walked over to it slowly and taking a deep breath I very cautiously lifted the lid.

I let out the breath when I saw it was empty.

Ignoring the gnawing feeling in my stomach concerning this new coffin I quickly searched the rest of the room. Elijah's coffin was missing. Cursing under my breath I raced back up stairs.

"Rebekah!" I stood at the bottom of the stairs as I shouted out her name. in a second she was standing next to me, looking exasperated.

"What is it now?" She was clearly still annoyed over my 'stalking' comment.

"What has he done to Elijah?" I demanded.

From her expression she knew exactly what I was talking about. Suddenly she couldn't look me in the eye. "I don't know what you're talking about Jennifer. If you and Nik..."

"Quit lying to me 'Beks. He told me I would never see Elijah again, that no one would ever again. Now... what the hell did he do?"

Now she met my eyes, worry filling them along with tears as she rushed to talk. "He can't mean that. He promised it would be just for a little while."

I was getting impatient and pissed off, "Rebekah... what... did... Klaus... do?" I slowly emphasised each word as I spoke, while grabbing her arms and lightly shaking her to try and get her to focus.

Her voice dropped as she finally explained. "Marcel was getting suspicious with three originals showing up, he didn't trust Nik. So Nik gave him a peace offering."

My hands dropped from her arms and flew to mouth, covering the gasp that slipped out. I shook my head at her. He wouldn't... he couldn't... not his own brother.

Rebekah kept talking, "Nik daggered Elijah, then gave him to Marcel. I wanted to tell you sooner, I really did. But Nik promised me if I kept it from you it would only be for a few weeks."

I ran from Rebekah to my room. Once inside I closed the door and slid to the ground.

"I'm in love with a madman!" I exclaimed to an empty room.

I desperately wanted to have the power to rewind time. But apparently wishing for something really hard didn't make it happen. I just wanted to go back to our first week here in New Orleans. I mean yeah, there was the whole thing with the witches, and Marcel.

Within these four walls though, in here we were a happy family, the four of us.

How did it go so wrong, all the promises in MysticFalls... gone and forgotten? Nik and I hadn't even shared a bed in nearly three weeks. He was always out with Marcel. I looked around the room, remembering the feeling I had when I first saw it. Now it reminded me of the emptiness that was slowly filling me.


I stood up, anger pouring through my body. He wants to be cold with me; I would be ice with him. I could feel my resolve strengthen. I would find and release Elijah and then decide if I would stay or leave.

I loved Nik but I wouldn't let him control me.


I stood before the mirror finishing my hair. When I was happy with it I stepped back to look at myself. I was wearing a floor length black dress. The soft material clung to me like a second skin. This dress would defiantly get under his skin.

It was a halter strap dress where the front dipped down low between my chest and was completely backless. It then flowed to the ground but when I moved or walked a slit that ran from the hem all the way to the top of my left thigh was revealed.

I was wearing plain black flat pumps, and had pulled my hair to the left and braided it so it hung over my shoulder.

Tonight I would show Niklaus Mikaelson exactly what he was missing.


I was standing outside Rousseau's waiting for Cami. Of course she was late, I tried calling her cell but it was turned off. Maybe I had been stood up. Two more minutes, I would wait two more minutes before heading to the party on my own.


I froze at the sound of Marcels' voice behind me. I spun to face him, "How do you do that?" I asked, the curiosity getting the better of me. At his raised eyebrow I explained, "How is it you can get so close to me without me realising you're there?"

He laughed as he stepped towards me, "I'm just good at what I do. There's a reason why I'm the king of this town."

"Wait... the king?" I asked, filling my voice with awe. I may have been stupid the night I snuck out of the house but I wasn't a complete moron. There would be no way for a newbie vampire, new to New Orleans, to know that Marcel ran the quarter.

He chuckled lightly at my expression. "Plenty of time for that later. First things first, Cami couldn't get a hold of you on account that she doesn't have your phone number, but she had a family emergency and won't be able to make it tonight. When word got to me that a lovely young lady who was new to town was to be left stranded here alone I just couldn't abide it. So I have decided to escort you myself."

As Marcel finished speaking he placed one arm across his chest and leaned forward in a deep bow. I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped between my lips. It was just so comical... so over the top... so... something Nik would do.

"Why thank you kind sir." I laughed as he straightened.

He held out his arm which I interlocked with my own before we started off.

The walk to the party venue was brief, perhaps five minutes. While we walked Marcel and I chatted lightly about New Orleans and what I thought of it so far. I had expected more personal questions about myself and where I came from but something told me those questions would come and to prepare for them.

Before I knew it we were standing before very large double oak doors, each door had a large embossed 'M', and it clicked with me immediately that the letter didn't stand for Marcel which he no doubt told people it did. I knew that it stood for Mikaelson. This was the house they talked about, that they lived in when they last lived here in New Orleans, a hundred years ago. I was reminded of what exactly Marcel took from Nik and his siblings. It wasn't just power, it was the home they had built for themselves.

I looked up at Marcel who was smiling down at me. "Are you ready?" he asked.

Forcing a smile back at him I nodded, afraid to speak at that moment in case I gave myself away. As the large doors before us started to open revealing music and laughter I regained my composure.

This was going to be a very interesting evening.

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