2. Goddamn Witches.

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 6 weeks ago.

We pulled up outside a very large house in the quarter. It wasn't quite as big as the one we had just left but it was still amazing. Rebekah and I climbed out of the car and let ourselves in, leaving Nik and Elijah to carry the bags from the car. Rebekah was talking about what re-decorating that needed to be done as we walked from room to room but I didn't hear a word she was saying.

My mind was filled with Nik.

He had barely spoken a word to me in the last twenty-four hours. He had received a phone call and whatever it was about had drastically changed his good mood.

I realised that Rebekah had stopped talking; she was standing in front of me. I smiled sheepishly. "You're not even listening to me, are you? She asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Sorry Bek's. My mind just drifted for a moment. What were you saying?"

She opened her lips to say something but I walked past her when I saw Elijah enter the room. "Elijah, where's Nik?" I asked him, ignoring the exasperated sigh from the blonde behind me.

Elijah looked like he was thinking of what to say to me for a moment before speaking. "Niklaus had to run an errand. He asks that we wait here for him. He will be back soon."

It was obvious that Elijah was also hiding something from me and it was starting to irritate me to no end. I already had my share of secrets, hell... I had more than my share. I stomped my way past the oldest Mikaelson but he grabbed my arm lightly, stopping me.

"Jennifer, Niklaus wants us to stay here. Where are you going?"

I pulled my arm from his grasp. "Well what Nik wants Nik gets. I'm going to pick a bedroom and unpack. Do you think that will be ok with the almighty hybrid?"

Not waiting for a reply I left the siblings and went upstairs. The first bedroom I found had Rebekah's bags sitting on the floor so I closed the door and continued looking. At the end of the hallway lay large double doors. I pushed them open and entered the room

I felt a gasp slip between my lips, the room was possibly the biggest bedroom I had ever laid eyes on. The four poster bed alone would fit five people comfortably. Against one wall there was a large flat screen television and in front of it a cream sofa, to the side of the television there was an alcove leading into what looked like a very large walk in wardrobe.

When I walked towards it I saw my bags on the floor. So this would be my room. For a moment all the anger left me and I became a stereotypical girl and clapped my hands together while giggling. Of course that was short lived when I saw Nik's luggage next to mine. Before I could fully think about what I was doing I had lifted his bags, stormed to the door and flung them down the hall.

"What the hell Jenni?" Rebekah screeched as she jumped out of the way of the flying luggage.

"Sorry 'Bekah, didn't see you there." I apologised. She looked at Nik's bags then back at me, one eyebrow raised in question. I shrugged as I answered her unspoken question. "As far as I'm concerned Nik and his secrets can find another room. Now if you'll excuse me."

I stepped back into the room, closing the doors behind me. The next half an hour was spent unpacking all the items I ha bought in MysticFalls before Nik had been desiccated. When that was done I looked at the bedroom.

When I noticed that I had a fireplace I felt the smile tugging on the corners of my lips again. I pulled the sofa over and put it in front of the fire. The small bookcase that had been by the bed I moved closer to beside the fire and sofa. Who doesn't love curling up on a sofa with a good book and a warm fire? I then moved the bed into the middle of the room so it was facing the television.

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