♡ Part: 1 ♡

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   A girl is running from stairs when an old middle age man scold her...

???: Yn child careful you will hurt....

Yn: Sorry appa I'm already late byee ( she said and peak his forehead and left from there horribly..)

Appa: Yeah Yn atleast have breakfast.. ( he said and take a apple and run behind her.. Here her bestie Shin is waiting for her in her car and saw the daily drama as yn always get up late and his father always worried about her health..)

Appa: here take it and eat and don't skip your lunch did u hear don't ( he said and hand her the apple she nodd and said to her bestfriend)

Yn: Yeah Shin gurl let's go or u wanna beaten by the teacher. ( They bid bye to Yn's father and left.)

Shin: Ynie my oppa come back and got admission in our college. ( Yn widen her eyes)

Yn: really.. woow i just heard about ur beloved oppa now I will say how u always run behind Jungkook hehehhe ( shin stop the car and look at her with widen eyes)

Shin: Do wanna see my funeral huh don't u dare...
( Shin have a crush on Jungkook from past one year but never confessed and Taehyung is same class as Jungkook as both are childhood friends but Taehyung decided to live with his grandparents and live there for 5 years now he come back again...)

Soon they reach to college and run to there class and luckily the teacher didn't come they sit on there seat..

Yn: fweeh i thought we have to stand outside again. Ahhh

Time skip~~~~

-At lunch time-

Yn and Shin come to have lunch then shin said..

Shin: Ouh yn my oppa.. Oppa~~ ( she call him lit bit loudly she turn and come towards them)

Taehyung: Hey ( when yn hear his deep voice he look towards him she felt corent in her body watching his angelic type beauty.)

Shin: Oppa meet her my bestfriend Yn.. ( Shin introduce Taehyung look at her and give a small smile)

Taehyung: Hi.

Yn: H-hi ( shit why did I my stuttered.)

Shin: Have lunch with us. (She said Taehyung nodd and call Jungkook as he is his best buddy)

Jungkook: Hey ( hearing his voice shin felt her heart beat beat crazily)

( Jungkook sit beside Shin cuz he also have a feeling about her. And Taehyung sit beside Yn. Yn look down as her heart beat is so loud )

Jungkook: Yn.. ( she look up and nodd)
Jungkook: Tomorrow is a party at my place and ur invite ok and u have to come..

Yn: Sorry Jungkook oppa I can't say that I will definitely come ( she said )

Jungkook: But u can try .. ( he said with pleading voice)

Shin: Dont worry oppa we will come...
( Jungkook smile at her words then they both start to talk)

( Jungkook know that if Yn didn't come there is no way that shin will come alone. )

( Out of nowhere Taehyung ask Yn)

Taehyung: So you will come. ( Yn look at him innocently)

Yn: If i don't then your sister is going to kill me ( she said with a pout Taehyung chuckled at her statement)

After that they both go to there classroom..

Jungkook: Tae hyung I see your so smiling with Yn why? When u literally didn't even glance the girls from our class.  ( Taehyung was silent)

Taehyung: It's just she is my sister's friend. ( He said atleast he was thinking this.)

( Yn come outside and Shin said .. )

Shin: Let's go yn.

( Then yn saw that Taehyung was coming with Shin's car. She got confuse. shin open the door for Yn and said..)

Shin: Come sit ... ( Yn sit quietly at back sit and Shin sit beside her)

Shin: Oppa take to Xxx place we have to drop Yn ( Taehyung nodd and start the engine. Yn was time to time glancing at him through mirror )

To be continued _____________

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