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Taehyung, Yn, Shin and Jk were sitting in a café as Taehyung was giving them treat for his victory.. Then Shin said..

Shin: Oppaa. ( Taehyung look at her. And Yn too)
Shin: Do me a favor.. ( she said with pleading expression.)

Taehyung: What favor?? ( He ask raising a brow)

Shin: Hm drop Yn at her home please I have something important..( Yn widen her eyes .. as she knows where Shin was going)

Taehyung: where were u giving.? ( Shin nervously said)

Shin: ahm hm Yn will tell you ok bye( she go out and signal jk to come.)

Jk: I think I should leave I have to meet someone.. bye ( and he also leave Yn knows but Taehyung was looking at them being dumbfounded.)

Taehyung: what happened to both?? ( Yn chuckled at his expression. )

Taehyung: Yn shin said u will tell me now tell me where she is going?? ( Yn got nervous she look down as she was feeling scared. Taehyung notice her uneasiness and hold her hand hesitately)

Taehyung: U can tell me ..( she look up and nodd)

Yn: Actually.. they i mean Shin and Jungkook oppa hmn were dating... ( She said but Taehyung got angry at the fact that his bestfriend is dating her sister without his consistency)

Taehyung: WHAT!!!!! ( He said lit bit angrily Yn hold his hand and said with begging voice)

Yn: please oppa Shin has love him from 1 year now she has got her love back so please 🥺🥺 don't separate them. (She said Taehyung chuckled)

Taehyung: I won't separate them. But This jk he should tell me I will sue him.. (he said making her giggled)

(After that they talk alott and then set on Taehyung's car as he will drop her . He was driving while she was sitting she is feeling cold. She rub her hands due to cold.. Taehyung notice and shut the windows and turn on the heater so that u can be warm.. soon both reach Yn's house.. she look at him to find he is already looking at her..)

(Both are staring at eachother. Taehyung's eyes fall on her rose petal lips. He can't control. He slowly lean closer to her she closed her eyes knowing what will happen next and the next moment she felt his lips in her lips both were kissing don't want to leave eachother. but Yn's phone ring making both of them broke the kiss. Taehyung look her she was shocked that what she have done seeing her experience Taehyung felt guilty he said .)

Taehyung: Yn I'm so sorry it's just happened mistakenly. ( He said but response)

Yn: I'm leaving. ( She leave without listing to Taehyung. )

(She come to her room and lay )

Yn to herself: You think it's mistake.. That was my first kiss 🥺 How can say like this.. ( her tears unknowingly flows from her eyes.)

____To be continued _____

Hii bunnies I'm so sorry for short part but have to study exams are near😭😭😭

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