Chapter -10

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At mansion

Jimin come to the living room after killing Julia.

Jimin called everyone in living room.

Namjoon: what happened Jimin?why you called us?

Hobi: yeah!! Is everyone thing ok?

Jimin: hyung prepare for the wedding.

Kai: wedding? Whose wedding?

Jimin: my....... I am going to marry.

Namjoon: what? with whom?

Jimin: with Yoongi.

All was shocked after hearing this.

Namjoon: what?... but you said-

Namjoon cutt of by Jimin

Jimin: don't ask me anything just do what I say....... now go and start preparing for the wedding and ya the wedding going to be tomorrow.

They did not said anything and left from there.

Jimin also went to his room.

Jimin room

Jimin enter in his room and see suga who was waiting for him to come......... Yoongi saw Jimin and get shocked after seeing blood on his hands....... Yoongi goes to Jimin.

Yoongi: Jimin from where this blood come?

Jimin: nothing........ I just cut that fingers who touched you.

Yoongi eyes widened.

Yoongi: w what you d did with her?

Jimin: what happened? Why are shuttering? Are scared that I killed her?.......... don't worry I didn't kill her but my dogs were hungry I just feed them.

Yoongi get more shocked and getting scared from Jimin.

Jimin: you scared face looks so good it's giving me pleasure (said with smirk)........... you also want her not you.

Said while gridding his teeth.

Suga get more scared.

Yoongi: Jimin beleive me I didn't know she will do something like that... please believe me.

Yoongi said with teari eyes.

Jimin: ok I will believe you....... and why I not believe my soon to be husband.

Yoongi was confused after hearing this.

Yoongi: husband?

Jimin: yes husband........ tomorrow we both going to get married.

Yoongi: no I don't want to marry.

Jimin: why? Oh I got it......... you get board with me right .

Yoongi: no........ I don't want to marry with you.

Jimin: why?........ you don't want to marry with me because you actually want that bitch.............. you know why I want to marry not because I love you because I want you to be mine toy for forever................ after becoming my husband no one ever dare to look at you because you are only mine only mine.

Yoongi: it's not love.......... it's just a obsession.

Jimin: I don't care......... what you think about my or obsession........... now let's go and sleep tomorrow is very special day for us.

Yoongi: you are a killer,a monster.

Jimin: yes I am.

After saying this Jimin went to sleep but Yoongi was still awake he didn't want this marriage because he thinks that he doesn't love Jimin and Jimin just obsessed with him........ after sometime he also slept.

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