Chapter -12

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Tae was in office room with messy hair and puffy eyes.

Tae: jungkook will not leave he can't leave me.

Like this he was mumbling

Suddenly he got a call...........he thought it was jungkook he immediately pick up the call without seeing coller id.

Tae: kooki I knew it you can not leave me like this

???: tae.

Tae: I knew it you also love me

???: tae?

Tae: like I do jungkook please forgive me whatever I did I promise I will fixed everything-

???: TAE!!!

Tae then come to his sense.

Tae: hy hyung.

Saying this he start crying.

???: hey baby............tae what happened?

Tae: hyung jin hyung............h he will leave me

Tae was just crying very hard.

Jin: tae baby..........who will leave....... please don't cry I am coming ok........ please don't cry.

Call end.

Tae was still crying his heart out.

Meanwhile with jin

Jin is out of sk because of his work but today he was going back to SK he thought to call tae and ask

Jin in his mind

(Something is really bad tae was not sound like in good condition..........does Jimin know...........I should call him and ask yeah I should ask him)

Then jin called Jimin.

Meanwhile with Jimin

Jimin POV

Today I am so happy finally I got it what I wanted........... my Yoongi always be mine........... no one can separate us now.

Jimin thoughts interpreted by a phone call........he saw that it was jin he picked up the call.

Jimin: hyung-

Jimin cutt of by jin

Jin: Jimin what happened to tae?

Jimin: tae?.... hyung what are you saying?...... what happened to tae.

Jin: you don't know anything?

Jimin: no hyung.

Jin: I called tae he was crying very badly.

Jimin: what!!

Jin: yes....... I think something happened......... and why you don't know anything?

Jimin: h hyung he was not with me from 2 months .

Jin: what!!! Then where he was?

Jimin: he said........ that he is having fun somewhere and he will come when he wants to.

Jin: and you let him........ I am coming before I come there make sure tae was with you.

Jimin: I will hyung.

Call ended.

Jimin: what happened to tae

Jimin got worried

Jimin left to meet Tae

Jimin come to tae office

Jimin directly went to tae room.......there he saw Taehyung was looking very mess.

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