5. Truth or Dare

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"Hey i have the right to join you right?" Johnny sit next to his twin.

"Fine, fine you can join BUT don't you dare quit this game if you get tired of it." Sharmaine said with a death glare. Johnny just shrugged. Sharmaine bring back her bright smile as she face us. "Girls and Johnny, what style do you prefer? The card style or spin the bottle?"

'Spin the Bottle!!" We all chorused. In as much as she heard us she picked the bottle and made the initial turn. Jade was the first victim of the monster bottle.

"Okie, here's the killer question Jade. Truth or Dare?"

"Truth" Jade said giving her hands with her eyes closed.

Sharmaine exercised her hands and then look at Jade. " Who is cuter? George or Gabe?" Sharmaine squeezed Jade's hands mildly. She's refering to Vince George Anderson and Gabriel James Crooker. George is our batch's resident jock. He is also part of the popular brood of the Andersons. Every Anderson is a heart throb of their generation. George is the team captain of our school's football team. He is indeed very tall with the height of 6'. Gabe is also a jock but he's kinda short. He's 4'9 and I'm 4' 11. Even though he's shorter than me, I still find him cute. If you ask every single girl in 7th grade, they will agree that Gabe is the cutest. Why the heck am I telling you these things?

Sharmaine became impatient with Jade's answer so she squeezed it hardly that caused jade to answer."George, George is cuter." We smiled. "See it's not that hard to answer. Right?" Sharmaine said

Jade spinned the pepsi bottle and then Johnny was the next. Johnny was dared to write I <3 Amanda on this piece of fragrant pink paper. When he's finished, I took the picture of that piece of art. The reason why Jade ordered him to write that is beacause Johnny has a big crush on Amanda Hickins, the president of the art club.

It  is Johnny's turn to spin the bottle now. He did something weird to the bottle before spinning it. I think he whispered something to it and then kissed it. It's now turning slower and slower at Bea Therese who is BTW next to me. How I wish it wo't stop at me. I really like truth or dare but I don't want Johnny to be the master. Horrible things really do happen. The bottle's next victim was no other than me. I was like "just great. I picked dare. 

"Therese Marie Maxwell, I dare you to massage me for three minutes." Oh my Gee! I would break your bones Johnny Dales. "Don't you dare hurt me or you would face the electric chair." Okay, okay I would take it gently.

When I'm done, I quickly spinned the bottle. Sharmaine is the next victim. I dared her to call Felicity's house and say "I love peanut butter and jelly!" like Ka-ray-zee. Luckily, Felicity was the one that answered the phone and then she said "Hey Shar, what's with you are you having one of those crazy dares again? Well, have a nice night." We were all like ROFL.

Bea chose truth and revealed the characteristics of her secret crush. She said her crush is not a jock. Well, that may be Chester Gibbons. Bea revealed that he is her fifith grade crush and it spread in 7th grade like a plague. Then she said her secret crush is tall and has a big brown hair. Definitely not Chester Gibbons. Hmm.. I wonder who the mystery guy is.

Nikki chose dare and pretended to be a girl like Paris Hilton. She's been talking to us in a high-pitched british accent. She even started saying things like "OMG I love your Pj'S 

"Okay enough of truth or dare. We only have 30 minutes for that. Who wants to play scary video games." Sharmaine said. We all raised our hands. I sure want to play Hotel 626.

"Pick one Slenderman or hotel 626?" Sharmaine asked as she turned the desktop computer on. Wow! she sure has a great room. There is a DVD rack along with her television set. She also has a lot of comics and scary storybooks. And her desktop computer is really the bedazzled type. She got skills in bedazzling stuff.

Majority was on slenderman's side. Fine,I lose.

"Therese, because you lose, you are the first to play Slenderman. Bwahahaha" Sharmaine said.

I only got five pages.

"Okay the player who gets the most number of pages collected will have a special reward." Sharmaine encouraged.

Everybody did their best. Jade got all 8 pages. I got 5 pages. Bea got 4 pages. Nikki got 5 as well. Johnny got 7 pages. Sharmaine don't want to play because all the plyers who tried playing it screamed in fright.

"Man, I was one page close. Congrats Jade." Johnny said and pat Jade on the back.

"Jade, because of your excellence in playing Slenderman and defeating my evil twin, I now give the rights to eat this pint of double dutch ice cream." She said and handed her the delicious ice cream.

"Gals and Johnny, each of you will receive the consolation price, the gummy bears for being brave to take my challenge. She said and get a bowl of colorful gummies fro the mini fridge.

"I wanna share my reward to you!" jade said. We all cheered and hugged her. "But I wanna have gummis too." She ordered.

We all shared our rewards. Sharmaine chose to just eat her chocolate chip cookies and drink her glass of milk.

"Okay gals it is bedtime already." Sharmaine informed us. We quickly ran to the bathroom and prepared for bedtime. Johnny went to his own room.


I was awaken by the loud snoring coming out of nowhere. I opened my eyes to see who the snoring gal is. Jade and Sharmaine was also awake. Nikki and Bea was still asleep. Hmmm.. heavy sleepers. Jade covered her ears with her pillow in her irritation of the noise.

Sharmaine get her camera and walked ut of the door. I followed her.

"where are we going?" I asked

"Shush. We shouldn't wake that monster up.'

We went to another room. I see a boy sleeping in the bed. Oh, we went to Johnny's room precisely.

He was snoring and drooling. Flash! Sharmaine took his picture. He stopped snoring and turned. We took a step back. We might have waken him up.

Good thing he just went back to sleeping. We quickly went back to the room.

The Morning After..

We woke up at 7:00. I opened the door before Sharmaine could. Hmm... I smell the sweet smell of pancakes. We run our way to the stairs.

Mrs. Dales prepared a whole lot of pancakes."Good morning Mrs. Dales."

"Oh, good morning girls! Take your seats. Be free to eat. You can also put some toppings on your pancakes." Mrs. Dales said. She's always been a sweet girl to us. "I've been waiting for you Sharmaine. Where is evil big brother?" The adorable Thea said.

"I don't know" Shar answered.

The Dales sure have a lot of pancake syrups and toppings. At the table there are blueberries, strawberries, choco chips, butter, whipped cream, honey, choco and strawberry syrup. 

"Sharmaine, after eating, can you help me with the bakery?" Mrs. Dales ordered. Sharmaine nodded. That explains everything. They owned a bakery.

After gobbling those yummy pancakes, Nikki called her sister to fetch us up. It is her turn to ride us.

When the pink Hello Kitty van came, we all get our things and followed Nikki.

We all bid the Dales goodbye and thank them for the wonderful party.

We are still wearig our PJ's when we ride the van. Nikki's big sister, Abby turned the radio on. "Mine" by Taylor Swift was playing.We all had fun singing along with the music. We realy agreed on being a swiftie.

The rest of the travelling was still singing along with what's on the radio. "Little Things" and "Just Give Me a Reason" was the next tunes that we sung.

I wonder if Johnny will still be nice after the party. I hope he will.

.....End of The Chapter...

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