I took her to the guest bedroom where I tucked her in for bed and a good sleep, I took off her jacket and her boots. I stayed in her bedroom for a moment, and then my phone buzzed. It read Churchill


- Do you have any idea where Mia might be?

- James, I know where she is-

- Tell me now, bring her home to me immediately.

- James I wish things worked like how you would want things to go but unfortunately, she is asleep in my guest bedroom, before you start your ranting, I will bring her tomorrow morning.

- You better or you will be seeing your death.- he said in a very threat-like tone.

I hung the phone up. I walked to my studio to grade papers I had to turn in tomorrow, and answer e-mails. More stress, more than I needed for the night. I made myself a coffee to survive the night. I put some music as a background to be able to concentrate.

After a few hours and having only twenty papers left to grade I got up and moved around a bit just to find Mia lost in my house.

- Mia, are you alright? I say grabbing her hand.- which results in a loud yelp and a face punch.- Quite a good puncher don't you think?- I said rubbing my face due to the pain.

- I'm so sorry, are you alright?- She says gaining consciousness of what happened.

- I'm fine, James called he wants you back home by the morning I said that I would bring you back home until you woke up so maybe fake your sleep in the morning.- I say in a protective tone.

- Thanks, why are you still up it is two in the morning.- she says rubbing her sleepy face.

- Professor work. Long story short e-mailing the tests back to the students with the grades and well, I only got twenty left which is nothing so I'll be in bed soon.- I say cupping her face in my hands.- Go to sleep Mia, unless you need something.

- Yes, water, please.

- Some cups are outside the cabinet and the water is taken from the sink.

After her water sleep break, she heads back to sleep. I walked back to my studio, and just as I finished grading the papers, I headed to my bedroom. When I find Mia vomiting in the hallway bathroom. I run to the kitchen to grab her a Gatorade.

- Mia, what happened?- I say holding her hair.

- I don't know, I just got this sick feeling being asleep, I'm sorry.- she says still facing the toilet. My head instantly takes it to the extreme.

- Do you think you might be pregnant?- I ask in a curious tone.

- Why would you think that?- she crawled to the sink and then sat back down against the bathtub wall

- Well it is rare for you to vomit like that.- I say pointing to her.


I woke up with so much thirst that I nearly cried out, I got up in the look for the kitchen just as I was about to complete the mission of water Marcus emerged out of nowhere I swallowed a yelp. He looks still dressed with his shirt unbuttoned revealing an undershirt that marks his body in too much of a good way. He had several tattoos, I wondered what they were. He asks me what I need and I just point out to the sink in signal of water. I ask what he is doing up late and his only answer is grading papers I forget that he is a professor. I wonder if he is older than me or if is he the same age as me because he does not look older or younger than I do.

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