XCIV- Dressrosa

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Doflamingo's voice came out of the transponder snail that Law was holding.

Doflamingo: <voice> It's me. I quit the Warlords.

Chopper: <shocked> That's him!

Usopp: He picked up! Doflamingo!!

He, Nami, and Chopper all shivered.

Luffy went up to the snail and began yelling.

Luffy: Hello, this is Monkey D. Luffy speaking!! Future King of the Pirates!! Hey, Mingo!!

(Y/N): What are you doing?!

Luffy: So you're the boss of this ding-dong Caesar, who was doing such horrible things to Brownbeard and those kids, right?! We're giving Caesar back, since that was the deal!! But if you ever do anything like that again, I'm coming after you this time!!

Usopp jumped on Luffy, trying to pull him away from the transponder snail, futilely.

Doflamingo: <voice> Straw Hat Luffy! What have you been up to these two years since your brother's tragic death?

Luffy: That's...a secret! I'm not supposed to say!

Doflamingo: <voice> Hee hee hee... I've been eager to meet you. As it happens, I've got something that I highly suspect you'll be desperate to get your hands on.

Luffy: <drooling> T-Tell me more. What kind of meat is it? How good does it taste?

Law pushed Luffy out of the way.

Law: Straw Hat!! Don't give him the momentum!

Luffy: <heart eyes/drooling> One juicy meat, two juicy meats... <3

(Y/N) rolled his eyes as he watched Usopp shake and slap Luffy out of his meat trance.

(Y/N): A dangerous His Momentum attack, huh?

Law: Stick to the topic at hand, Joket! We'll give you Caesar, as agreed.

Doflamingo: <voice> That's a smart move, for your own sake. If you try to vanish on me after all this, even you have to know what dire consequences are waiting for you. Hee hee hee! First step, you show me that my valuable business partner is unharmed.

Law held out the snail's microphone to Caesar.

Caesar: Joker!! I can't believe you actually quit, all for little old—!

Law: 8 hours from now! Greenbit, the lone island north of Dressrosa! On the beach of the southeastern shore! We'll leave Caesar there at 3 in the afternoon. You may retrieve him at your leisure. There will be no other contact.

Doflamingo: <voice> Hee hee hee! What a shame. I was hoping to share a drink with you, now that you're all grown up...

Law hung up the transponder snail immediately.

(Y/N): Good thinking, Traffy. He was about to use another His Momentum attack again.

Sanji: Wait, we didn't even get a chance to specify the number of people he could bring! What if he shows up with his entire crew?!

Law: If he does, it won't be a problem. For the purposes of the plan, handing over Caesar is already just a decoy.

Usopp: Meaning, the idea is to destroy his SMILE factory while he's busy with Caesar?

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