LXV- Legacy of the Pirate King

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Pappag: Come on, old man!! Don't do it!! It'll blow up!!!

Chopper: I saw how the slave's collar just exploded!!

Brook: I saw it too! That thing is really dangerous!!

Rayleigh had his hands on Camie's collar. She was out of the container now.

Rayleigh: It's okay. Be calm.

(Y/N): Wait! Don't take it off without the key! It'll explode!

Rayleigh gripped the collar tight. It began to beep, frightening the Straw Hats and their friends.

Rayleigh broke the collar and threw it away from both him and Camie. It exploded against a wall.

Nami: <shocked> It came off...!!

Franky returned with the key to the collar.

Franky: Hey! What was that?! The collar and the handcuffs are both gone!!

Usopp: What did he do?! That old man did something strange again!

Zoro: He pulled the collar off with his bare hands.

Franky tossed the keys to the other slaves who had collars on so they could free themselves.

(Y/N): Does he have a Devil Fruit power? He also knocked out all the guards too.

Nami: How do you know him, Luffy?

Luffy: I don't know him! Really!

Hachi: That thing he used is called "Haki", I think. I don't really understand it either.

Rayleigh: Sorry, boys. You're just pirates here for the show.

He was talking to Kid, Law, and their respective crews.

Rayleigh: Seeing how you withstood that, you're all quite strong.

Law: I didn't think I'd see such a big name in a place like this.

Kid: "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh! What's a living legend doing here?

Rayleigh: I'm just an ordinary coating craftsman on this island. People call me Ray. Don't call me by that other name. I'm just an old soldier. I only want to live in peace.

The Marines outside completely surrounded the building. They called out to the pirates over a loudspeaker.

Marines: <voice> Release the Roswald Family right now!!! The admiral will arrive soon, so we recommend that you surrender immediately!! We won't be held responsible for what happens, rookies!!

Law: Seems like we're not even seen as victims, just accomplices.

Kid: I got to see just how crazy Straw Hat Luffy is. The rumors were right. I got no complaints. But I don't want to deal with an admiral!

(Y/N): That's right. An admiral will be here soon.

Usopp and Chopper both hid behind (Y/N), nervously shaking.

Rayleigh: Oh, I'm not going to use that power again, so you're on your own. If the Marines find out who I am, I won't be able to stay here.

Kid: The longer we wait, the more Marines will gather. I'm going first. It'll just be on the way. I'll save you guys! I'll clean up the mess outside, so you don't have to worry.

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