Trapped (Different Ending) (Requested!)

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So im not going to rewrite the whole beginning, so read the original chapter to know what happens up to this point.

Lute was in the gas station wounded when some demons found her vulnerable. One of the demons in the group noticed her spear out of reach of her and picked it up and noticed a glimpse of fear in Lute's eye despite how good Lute was at hiding her emotions when she had too. Lute realized the extermination time was almost up. She wondered if the exorcist who got her here in the first place was right. She had no way of flying up to the portal by herself. She noticed the demon holding her spear was about to jab her with it, Lute moved her arm in defense, trying to block herself despite knowing it wouldn't do anything to help. Suddenly she realized nothing had happened and suddenly everything went black.

A couple hours had passed, and Lute woke up slightly in worse shape than before. She noticed she was covered in soot. She had no idea where her spear or the demon who took it could even be. She was completely unarmed and vulnerable in hell. To make it worse, she noticed the extermination was over, and she was the only exorcist still there. Lute tried getting up but struggled she leaned on a lightpole nearby, trying to maintain standing up so she wouldn't appear weak to anyone who might notice her.

Suddenly she noticed two familiar faces, "You gotta be fucking kidding me?" Lute thought to herself as she saw the Princess of Hell and a ex-exorcist. Lute didn't know what would be worse, them seeing her in this state, or them possibly trying to help her. Of course, Charlie noticed Lute (Charlie just always finding these exorcists in hell😔🙏- writer). Charlie ran over to Lute, who was still leaning on the pole.

Charlie - "Hey, are you okay?"

Charlie asked. It didn't seem like she recognized Lute since she wasn't wearing her mask anymore. (In this, let's just say Charlie doesn't know what Lute looks like without the mask, but Vaggie does)

Lute - "I'm fine."

Charlie - "Hey, why don't you come stay at my hotel! We'll fix you up good as new!"

Charlie said cheerfully, as Vaggie started walking closer to the scene.

Vaggie - "What's going on?"

Vaggie stopped mid sentence once she recognized Lute's face. She pulled out her spear, and Charlie looked confused.

Charie - "Honey, what are you doing?"

Charlie asked, slightly confused.

Vaggie looked Lute up and down and noticed she wasn't in any shape to fight or do anything to harm them. Vaggie slowly lowered her spear, Lute looked confused as to why Vaggie didn't just expose who she was right then and there.

Vaggie - "Just.. being cautious."

Charlie - "Oh. Okay! Well, let's go back to the hotel, you two! Are you able to walk by any chance?"

Lute - "Uh...barely, I guess?"

Lute said, but limped following them. She had a bad feeling about this but didn't know what other options she had, as long as Vaggie doesn't say anything about her identity she should be okay...then Lute remembered she wouldn't say anything because her recognizing me without the mask would be like a dead give away of her identity as an angel! The fact that in order for Vaggie to keep her secret shed have to keep Lute's secret was slightly reassuring. As they all walked to the hotel, Charlie was talking about her redemption plans for the week and stuff, but Lute couldn't stop thinking about what that other exorcists said and how she might have been right. Adam didn't even try looking for her. He probably already assumed she was dead and found a new luitenant she thought to herself, which slightly upset Lute, but she didn't want to show it and let her feelings get her guard down. Eventually, they made it to the hotel, and most of the residents were in their rooms already asleep, so Charlie showed Lute to her room and left her to get settled in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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