Planning and Packing

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"I should end the lot of them," the boy threatened as he slammed his hands down on the table in front of him. It shook at the force of his fists, rocking back-and-forth slightly before settling still again. 

"They want to separate us!" he barked angrily, thinking of all the ways he could prevent the situation.

Even though he put on a show of anger, his sister knew that he was more afraid than anything. After all, they only truly had each other. They had never been separated for more than a few days, let alone for however long they would be, if they were sent to separate orphanages.

The older girl continued to peer out of the only window in their room. Her head and shoulder were pressed up against it, as she watched the younger children playing below. Dozens of other children, all under the age of 10, were running about. They played silly games, like tag and hide and seek, among other things.

She let out a half of irritation, before sneering. "How childish." her words were sharp with a bitter jealousy. An outsider may have thought the girl didn't like the younger children. Maybe she thought she was above them because she was older. But in reality, she was jealous of them. Of their carefree nature.. ability to play for days on end. Not having to watch their backs or try and keep themselves safe. She missed the years when her mother was still around. When she was allowed to run rampant and didn't have to think of the consequences.

Raelynn hadn't noticed the look her brother had sent her. Confusion was spread across his features, as he tried to figure out what she was talking about. "What?" he asked as he stared at his sister. His mind was still on the fact that they were going to be separated, and he couldn't understand why his sister wasn't as concerned as he was.

"Them.. the others," she spoke softly as she gestured towards the children below. Turning towards her brother, she walked away from the windowsill and snatched a pack of cigarettes off the top of their dresser. Her fingers slowly pulled one out of its cartoon. She motioned her head back towards where she was standing before, as she explained, "they've never seen the world.. not the real one anyway." Making sure her dress was tucked underneath her knees, she sat across from her brother, while leaning back in a elegant manner. Her other hand brought a lighter up towards the cigarettes in her mouth, before lighting it in a practiced fashion.

"Rae, why are you talking like that?" her brother asked, before adding, "What aren't you tell'in me?"

When he didn't get a response from his older sibling, he reached over and gently grabbed her hand, which now rested on the table in between them. He rubbed his thumb on the top of her wrist, something which he would often do if he thought his sister was stressed or upset.

Raelynn could feel that Dorian was anxious. And hell.. so was she. However, as she let out a puff of smoke, the drug seemed to calm her. It was one of the main reasons why she smoked. The fact that one cigarette could help her think better, always seem to draw her in. After all, she had been stuck with the habit for a few years now. The girl met her brothers eyes, as she leaned closer to him, until both her elbows were resting on the table. Her words were empty as she spoke, "I told the old pompous nun to contact my father."

Her eyes watched every part of Dorian's face, waiting for a negative reaction. When he didn't seem to fully understand her, she elaborated, "To tell him he has two children in Leicester."

Dorian's eyes is widened as he leaned back in his own chair. Creases littered his forehead while he seemed to think about her words thoroughly. A minute or two had passed before he appeared to finally decide on a response. "You said you didn't know your father." he said in an accusing manner while he glared at his sister.

When guilt flooded Raelynn's face, the boy put his hands up in mock surrender. He smiled slightly as he spoke, "I mean, I'm not mad. But I don't, exactly, know why you'd keep him a secret from me?"

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