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"Aria, are you ready? Everyone is waiting for you" A girl with dark blonde hair, green eyes and a pair of sharp canines entered her room, laying on her bed and looking at the bedside table.
"Uh, it's beautiful" Said holding a glass disk.
Aria looked at her and smiled.
"It's a snowflake that will never melt. My... Boyfriend... Gave it to me for our first kiss" Said Aria scratching her arm nervously.
"You are going back, aren't you?"
Aria nodded as the girl sighed and stood up, walking in front of her and placing a hand on her shoulder.
"He must be lucky, I see how you love him... But really, be careful out there..."
Aria smiled holding the snowflake.
"I miss him with everything I am, we belong together and I'm ready to risk it all"
"You are smart and brave, I have no doubt you will do it right"
A knock on Aria's bedroom door interrupted the two girls, as they looked at the woman standing there with a smile.
"Are you going to leave the room or not? We are all waiting for you"
Aria nodded.
"Yes aunt Alex, I was making sure Aria was stunning for her party" Said the blonde girl before they all walked to a an old local that looked like a subway station.

It was the old and famous family local where her mom and siblings grew up and worked, and now all her whole family was celebrating Aria there.

After her fifth year at Hogwarts, she and Fred spent the whole summer together at the burrow. Fred and George decided to quit school and focus on their passion: pranks and jokes; and Aria had an offer from her uncle: go to his magic school for a few months to finish her elite education and graduate early.

Aria wasn't sure to leave Fred, even if it was just for a few months and they would write to each other and see each other whenever they wanted via magic. But Fred was happy for her and insisted, also he said that he would be focused with his joke shop, so was worth it for both of them. But in reality, he was afraid of Voldemort's rising and wanted her to be far away to be safe.

After five months, Aria finished her educational path and finally graduated.
She was now ready to leave America and go back to England.
Everyone from her family cheered for her and threw a party.

As Aria cut the cake for everyone, her uncle talked to her.
"So, I have a present for you"
"Uh?" Aria simply raised an eyebrow.
"You know that my kids are not wizards, you are the only wizard of our family... So, I would like you to be the next possessor of our school of magic, one day, when I'll die"
Aria blinked.
"That's... A big present... But I think you should give that to your kids, even if they are vampires and not wizards. I'm sorry" Aria gently escaped and went on the terrace, when her mom and dad joined her.

"Dear... Are you really sure you want to go back?" Asked her dad as she looked at him and nodded.
"You will be safe here..."
"But he won't... Fred is there, my friends are there, and I know that Voldemort is coming back, I read the news... But I can't leave them alone, knowing they might get hurt, or worst..."
Her mom hugged her.
"You love Fred, don't you?"
"Oh mum, these five months without him were terrible, I miss him. He is the one, I feel it"
Her dad rolled his eyes.
"Okok, but you will always be my daughter, the second thing I care about, the first is your mom"
They all laughed.
"Just be careful out there, please"
"Yes, I will, don't worry guys, you raised a smart and brave daughter that fears no one" Said Aria winking.
"Yeah, I know, you took after your mum... The brave thing, not the smart one"
"Mason!" Her mom hit his arm.
"I'm sorry Alex, but she is exactly like you! You never thought before acting, you always put yourself in danger out of courage and I don't deny that you saved the world, twice, but imagine if you had used your head too"
As her parents started that discussion, Aria laughed.
"I took the best from both of you, don't worry"
"Before you leave, your dad and I have something for you" Her mom handed her a necklace with a red heart.
"Your dad gave it to me, it's a magic necklace"
"You will find out next time you see Fred. Now go to sleep, tomorrow you will go back to your friends and you need to rest"
Aria smiled and hugged both of them before going to sleep.
Mason put an arm around Alex.
"Please tell me she will be safe"
"Of course, after all I saved the world twice and I had you by my side. Fred loves her and she is very clever, she won't be in danger"

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