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Days went by and weeks turned into months.
Even with the fear of Voldemort looming over them, Aria and Fred couldn't resist the happiness and passion that they brought into each other's life every day.

Once, Fred was tidying his joke shop after s long day and Aria was watching him sat on a desk.
He was too focused and she smiled at the sight of him. Then, he slowly raised his head and his eyes met Aria.
"You always have that look on your face when you watch me work. What are you thinking about, love?" Asked slowly approaching her and wrapping his arms around her waist.
"I'm thinking that I wanna be yours, forever I mean" Replied Aria smiling.
Fred expression changed. His smile turned into a serious face.

Fred was now 21 and Aria was 19, they weren't the young kids that started dating years ago anymore, they were now growing up, they were little adults, and their relationship grew stronger and serious every passing day.
"Aria, but I am a Weasley... Are you sure?"
Aria blinked surprised, they were dating for years, of course she loved him and wanted him forever, wasn't the same for him? After years he had doubt about them just because of his origin or something?
"Yeah, I know your last name and I wanna be yours"
"But I don't have a lot of money"
"Still, I want you" Said Aria smiling adoringly at him.
"I pull a lot of pranks"
"And I love you"
"I left school to run this joke shop"
"I know, I was there and still I am... I want to be yours Freddie, why are you acting so odd, don't you want to stay with me forever too? You have doubts...?" Asked Aria a bit worried.
He shook his head.
"Of course I want to stay with you, Aria. Forever and always" He caressed her cheek.
"Then... When will make me yours forever?" Asked Aria kissing his hand, making him chuckle.
"Well, love, you know I've never been one for planning ahead. But I promise, when the time is right, I will make you mine forever"
She looked a bit upset.
"Can I have a kiss until then?"
"Of course, love, any time you want" He grinned and pulled Aria into a passionate kiss.
"Just know that I truly do love you, more than anything" Whispered Fred leaning his forehead against hers.
"I know that, and I love you endlessly too"

Months later, the battle of Hogwarts started. Fred and George Weasley led the defense against Voldemort's army, while their friends and Aria fought alongside them.
Draco, initially on the side of the Dark Lord, eventually joined them after realizing his mistakes.
Hermione and Aria's extensive knowledge helped the wizarding world to defeat Voldemort's Horcruxes and ultimately, Harry Potter destroyed the Dark Lord for good.

After the battle Aria run looking for Fred and Fred run looking for Aria.
"Aria, are you alright? Merlin, I've been so worried. I love you so much, I don't know what I would do if something happened to you" Said gasping.
She run to his hands and kissed him.
"Fred, you are safe luckily, I love you"
"I love you too, Aria. Let's go celebrate, we deserve it after all we've been through. And I have a few pranks in mind to make you laugh"
She giggled and hugged him tightly.

After a month from Voldemort's destruction, all the wizard world was now happy.
Fred wanted to surprise Aria and make things right, so he planned something special.
"Are you excited for tonight? I have a surprise for you"
"Really? What is it?" Asked Aria smiling.
"I can't tell you, it's a surprise. But I promise you'll love it"
They went for a walk and Fred started telling a story about when he first fell for Aria.
"I remember seeing you in the Great Hall, and it was like something just clicked. I couldn't take my eyes off of you... And the way you stood up to Malfoy that day, it was like you were the bravest person I had ever met. I knew from that moment on, that I wanted to be with you. And now, I never want to let you go" He stopped and looked into her eyes. He was blushing and his hands were sweating.
"Why are you saying that? Are... Are you proposing?!" Aria's eyes widened.
"Of course I am! I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Aria. So... If you want... Let me change your last name. Will you marry me?"
Aria jumped on him happily as both fell on the ground.
"I will marry you!"
"I promise to make you laugh every day, Aria"
"You're stuck with me now"
He chuckled slowly sliding the ring up her finger.
"Always have, always be"
"I can't believe I'll call you my husband" Aria cupped his face.
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life making you happy, Mrs. Weasley"
Aria slowly removed the necklace that her mom gave her and put it around Fred's neck, and the big red heart glowed.
In that moment, Aria was sure.
That was real and endless love.

The end.

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