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As the night arrived, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione and Ron were in front of the mansion to save Aria.
"Are you sure Aria is here? I can't believe Voldemort kidnapped her" Said Fred panicking.
"Yeah, I'm sure. We'll find her, don't worry. But first, let's focus on getting inside without alerting anyone" Said Hermione as Fred nodded.
"Let's split up, Harry, Ron and George will search the ground floor, while Hermione and I check the upper levels. We'll find Aria together, no matter what"

Aria was walking through the mansion to find the point Draco told her to escape when she saw a tall figure at the end of the corridor.
Fred froze, his heart racing with happiness.
"Aria... I've finally found you! - He started to run towards her- I've been so worried about you. I never stopped loving you, even when we were apart"
Aria stepped back, unsure and sorry.
Fred had a hurtful expression and felt a pang on his chest.
"Aria, please... Don't push me away. I know I've hurt you, but I'm willing to do anything to make things right between us"
"I'm sorry I left... I'm sorry that I'm not as you want me to be, and that I hurt you..." Said Aria looking down as Fred softened and walked towards her.
"And I'm sorry for letting my insecurities get the best of me. You are not selfish or dumb, you are perfect. You are exactly how I want you to be. I love you, Aria. Let's leave this place together" Fred walked closer to her, he wanted to embrace and kiss her, protect her from all the bad.
"Fred..." She whispered as stepped closer to him, almost reaching his hand.
"I'm here, Aria. I'll always be here for you..."
An explosion separated the two of them before Fred could hold Aria in his arms.

Voldemort grabbed the girl and held her tight.
"Aria... No!" Fred sprinted towards them, wand at the ready. Harry, Ron, Hermione and George heard his voice and run to him.
"Let her go!"
Voldemort used expelliarmus to Fred and his friends, smiling.
"I'm going to kill you, one to one"
"You won't lay a finger on her, Voldemort" Said Fred struggling to get up.
"I'll never let you hurt her"
Aria looked at Fred with teary eyes as Voldemort's grip tightened around her neck.
"I'm sorry I got you in this situation guys, I promise I will listen to you next time..."
"I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to you, Aria. Please, just let her go, take me instead"
"Silence, Fred Weasley. This is between Aria and me. I need her to join my team, her intelligence and power will make me invincible. She is my weapon" Voldemort started to affect the death eater symbol on Aria's arm, making her scream in pain.
"Noo, leave me"
Fred looked at them in pain.
"Let her go, you monster! You're hurting her! She doesn't belong on your team, she belongs with me!"
"She is mine now, Weasley. And soon, she will be the key to my ultimate victory. You and your friends don't stand a chance against me"
Aria looked around to think quickly how to escape while the pain was unbearable more and more. Then she got an idea.
"Fred, listen to me... Be ready to run"
Fred and his friends looked at her, confused.
"Love, what are you saying? I can't leave you here, alone with him"
She closed her eyes and screamed.
All the lamps and candles exploded, revealing a big fire through the whole hall of the mansion. Voldemort got hit by some flames and left his grip on Aria, giving her the chance to run towards Fred, who held her tight in his arms.
Fred looked into her blue eyes, his heart racing.
"Are you okay, Aria? That was incredibly brave and reckless. But you had me scared for a moment there"
She nodded and they dematerialized to the secret meeting point of the order of phoenix.
Finally they were safe.

Molly hugged Aria, happy to see her safe, then was the turn of Ginny, George, Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Fred looked at her, unsure of how to approach her after their last interaction.
"Are you hurt, Aria? I can't believe you thought of a plan to save us like that. You truly are a brilliant and brave witch"
Everyone left them alone to talk.
"I'm good thanks... What about you? You seem tired" Said Aria raising her head to look at him.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself. What were you thinking, getting involved with that lunatic?!"
"I- And why were you there?!" Asked Aria.
"What were you thinking, Aria?! You could have gotten seriously hurt or killed. I can't believe you put yourself in such a dangerous situation" Fred was screaming angrily at her and she looked down with teary eyes.
"You don't have to care about me..."
"Don't say that, love. Of course I care about you. You're my little princess witch"
She stepped back, still looking down.
"That's not what you said weeks ago, when you said you couldn't believe you ever fell for me..."
He reached for her hand.
"Please, Aria. You know I didn't mean that. I was too caught up in my own pride and fear. I couldn't bear loosing you because of Voldemort. You are the only girl I love and I want forever, please don't leave me..."
Aria looked up at him, her blue lucid eyes met his brown.
His heart raced, he wanted to hold her and kiss her, show Aria his endless love.
He gently placed a hand on her cheek.
"I was so scared when I saw you with him. I'm just glad you're safe now"
She leaned in at his touch.
"I'm sorry for what I did"
"Let's clarify this... I didn't want you to go because you are a woman and I think you are not good enough to defeat him... I didn't want you to go because you are my woman and I want to protect you" He looked at her with sincerity, he just wanted to kiss her to show his love and that everything was alright.
"Kiss me, Fred..." Whispered Aria as he smirked.
Fred cupped her face, holding her closer.
"Nothing would please me more, my dear"
He pressed his lips to hers, all the love and longing he felt pouring into the kiss.
"I've missed you so much"
She kissed him again, missing every instant and inch of him.
"I've missed you too... So we are still a couple? Asked her shyly.
"Of course we are, Aria. I could never let someone like Voldemort or else come between us. You mean everything to me" He held her close, not wanting to let go. Never.

That evening, Aria walked into their room wearing only one of Fred's shirt, it was bigger on her and it made him smile.
Fred opened his arms to finally hold her close.
"Finally you are here. My heart ached every moment you were gone, Aria. I never want to let you go again"
She laid on top of him and kissed him passionately.
"I promise to never leave you, Freddie"
"Nothing would make me happier, my love. You are my everything. I love you - he kissed her neck - You light up my world"
She moaned at his touch.
Fred was wandering down his shirt too big on her body until he removed it, revealing her breasts. He started massaging and kissing them as his hand slid down her slip, touching the folds of her intimacy and playing with her clit.
"I love every inch of you, Aria - he kissed her deeply - You're perfect to me"
She run her hands through his hair and panted at his touch, Fred slowly caressed her legs and intimacy putting two fingers inside her entrance, making her gasp.
"Give me more, Freddie"
"I'll give you everything, love. Just trust me and let me make you feel good"
She whispered sweet nothing in his ear, biting his earlobe.
"Take it slow"
Fred caressed her cheek.
"I'll make love to you like it's the first and last time, Aria. I'll show you how much I've missed you"
She blushed as he removed her slip, looking at her bare body.
"God, you are so beautiful. I can't believe I ever let you go"
"Never let me go ever again, Fred... Make me yours"

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