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"I'm dumb" Was the first thing Aria said waking up in an underground jail.
She didn't remember exactly what happened but she woke up in a sort of jail of a big mansion.

Suddenly, she saw a figure with a grey dress walking slowly towards her and she called out to him.
"Hey, you, be so kind to hand me my wand back and let me out"
He looked at her.
"Do you know who am I?"
Aria looked at him.
"A slave? Are you working in this mansion? Like who is your master? And why am I here?" Asked Aria annoyed as the man walked closer to her.
He had no nose, no hair, a pale- grey skin and long nails.
"You can call me Lord Voldemort. And you, Heeler, are here because I have plans for you. Plans that will ensure my domination over the wizarding world"
She snapped her fingers.
"Oh right, I must have forgot your look. By the way, why do you need me?" Asked Aria as Voldemort was annoyed by her behaviour.
"Silence. You will do as I command. Your strength and intelligence will be a valuable asset to my cause. Now, tell me, are you ready to see the full extent of my power?"
"Excuse me? We won't go anywhere if you command me, alright? If you want to command someone, call your fellas, you idiot" Said Aria annoyed.
"You dare to defy me? I am the Dark Lord, and you will do as I say. Or else, there will be consequences"
"And I am Aria Heeler, a pain in the ass for most of the people, my pleasure, now let me out or you will see my consequences" Said Aria firmly, not scared at all by Voldemort.
"You are getting on my nerves, Heeler"
All the people who heard their conversation were shocked by Aria's behaviour. No one ever talked to Voldemort like her.

"Lord Voldemort will not be disrespected in his own home. You will learn your place" Said a man that looked like a rat, Peter Minus, but was silenced by Voldemort himself.
The Dark Lord admired Aria's behaviour and thought she was a clever and powerful witch, he needed her to conquer the world.
"Enough, let her free, wormtail"
Peter Minus did as he said and Aria was out of the jail immediately.
"I think you are an interesting one, Aria, that's why I will save you and help you. Follow me, let's have a proper chat"
She followed him, wondering from whom he would save her.

"I see potential in you, Aria. Do not disappoint me"
Aria and Voldemort sat at a big table followed by his fellows. Aria noticed Draco and his family and felt sorry for him. Then, some elves brought food and her attention was captured by the delicious meal.
"So Aria, why were you wandering all alone out there? And don't you dare try to lie to me. I know every move you make"
She took some food from the plates, she hadn't eaten proper food for days.
"Oh you won't believe it, don't even let me start... Okay I'll tell you, be careful okay? And don't interrupt me, questions at the end, I hate when it happens" Said Aria as a sense of nervous and anger run through her.
"Very well, I will listen to your story"
Apparently even Voldemort looked scared by Aria's aura.
Never go against a mad woman I guess.
"I am intrigued by your story. Continue"
"So, I'll go back in the years so you have an idea of everything. I was a Slytherin, so popular and it was amazing, above everyone also from the academic achievement point. During first years at Hogwarts, Draco and I were a couple, it was perfect. I was young innocent, then he started to talk too muck about power, dark side and these kind of stuff, you know, so we broke up, but the flame was still on, you got it?" Aria paused and Draco blushed from his seat as Voldemort and the others looked at him.
"But that's not the point" Said Aria raising her voice angrily and slamming her hand on the table, as Voldemort jumped at her act.
"And the point is?" Voldemort raised an eyebrow, curious to see where Aria was going with her story.
"The point is that we ended our relationship even if Draco and I continued to have our occasional make out sessions. But then, out of no where, a fucking boy appeared! With his stupid red hair, stupid smile, he's so dumb. And you know what? He insisted to hang out with me, for months, to know me better... The usual stuff. I always rejected him but he never gave up. So we started sharing moments together and some feelings grew between us, but I was scared of a relationship. Long story short, Fred Weasley conquered my heart and we started dating, but the time was not right since a lot of stuff happened, you know? Umbridge's terror, I moved to New York for five months, your rising... But we were happy, and these two years were perfect! But you know what he did?!" Asked Aria more frustrated and irritated.
"Interesting, love affairs... But betrayal? - His eyes glowed with curiosity and amusement - This Fred Weasley, he broke your heart and chose someone else?"
"No! Worst! Harry, Hermione and Ron decided to go and find the horcrux to destroy you, and wanted me to join. I said yes, but Fred got mad because was afraid to lose me, so he started saying that I am stupid, selfish and he never really loved me! He insulted me and broke my heart! I can't believe I opened myself to him, he never loved me!" Aria threw a plate to the ground and hit the table with the knife next to her, she was very mad and out of control.
"That was ceramic..."
"Do you know how much I was worth?! He treated me like a child! I can't handle this!"
"Calm yourself, Aria. Your emotions will only cloud your judgment and loyalty - then he turned to a curly haired girl and whispered- So I was gone for years and that's how the world changed? Girls with love problems? Anyway, Harry is looking for my horcrux?"
Aria slammed her hand on the table once again, making Voldemort jump.
"Don't lose the attention from the major problem! Fred broke my heart after I gave him everything! I had my first time with him, I gave him my heart and he threw everything away!"
"I understand your pain, Aria. But remember, love is weakness. You should have focused on your own power and ambition"
"You mean I was wrong?" Asked Aria with a challenging glaze.
Voldemort gulped, unsure of what to say to not get Aria more mad.
"My dear Aria, your emotions are a hindrance to your potential. Imagine what you could have accomplished if you had focused on your own power instead of a silly boy"
"So it's my fault?"
"Fault is irrelevant. Focus on your ambition and show no mercy. You have potential to become powerful, use it to your advantage. Follow Draco, he will show you the mansion"

Draco and Aria exited the room.
Voldemort wanted her at all costs to join the Dark Side.

"So... Fred Weasley broke your heart, hmm? Perhaps it's for the best. Now you can focus on becoming the most powerful and feared witch in the all world. I'm sure Lord Voldemort wants this for you..."
"Shut up Draco, I just want to leave the mansion before he kills me, and you are going to help me. I wasn't acting that because I'm crazy, it was just a way to distract him. I saw some elves around the place that guard the mansion... And probably are listening..." Whispered.
Draco's eyes widened, he didn't want to go against his Lord.
"Aria, please listen to me. Voldemort has shown interest in you. You can either use it to your advantage or face his wrath. The choice is yours"
"And I want to leave, come with me. I know it's scaring but I promise nothing bad will happen, you can escape from the Dark Side" Aria took his hand but he shook his head.
"I can't go against Voldemort. He offered me power and promised my family's safety. But I will help you escape and find a way to protect you"
Aria looked down at her feet.
"Do you think... That Fred was right?"
Draco caressed her cheek and looked sweetly at her.
"No, and yes... You are the smartest and powerful witch I have ever known, if someone could beat Voldemort, that's you. But sometimes you are so stubborn and get in bad situations, like now. And you need someone by your side to help you. You can't do things all by yourself, Ary"
She hated to admit, but Draco was right.
"Fred doesn't love me, he probably hates me... I also left without saying anything, that was not brave from me..." Aria sniffed and Draco leaned closer, placing his hand through her hair and raising her head.
He looked into her eyes and couldn't believe how beautiful she was and that he still had feelings for her.
He softly kissed her, then whispered into her ear.
"Aria, I'll help you escape, but we have to be careful. Voldemort is watching every move we make. Get ready to leave tonight" He held Aria's hand.
She blushed and in that moment she realized how much she was missing Fred. He was her other half.

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