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[At Jeons mansion]

After Tae finished cooking, he decided to clean the house. However, he felt a bit hesitant about going into Jungkook's room because of the warning. But when he saw how messy Jungkook had made it while getting ready for work, Tae decided to clean it up. The situation had changed since there was no one else to clean it except him

Tae found Jungkook's room in quite a state! His wet towel and clothes were all over the bed, the perfume bottle was left open, and even the watch and car key drawers were open. It was a real mess! But Tae didn't waste any time he started tidying up one thing at a time. He closed the watch and key drawer, put his shoes back in their place, and then his attention turned to Jungkook's clothing. Tae's expression softened as he gently held Jungkook's shirt and spoke in a sweet, apologetic voice. He said, I'm sorry, master. I should have taken better care of your things. Please forgive me I'll pray everything to turn out in your favour today at office

While organizing those clothes, Tae's hands stumbled upon a small black cloth. Curiosity got the better of him, and he picked it up only to realize it was his husband's boxer, left among the clothes he wore yesterday. Tae's cheeks flushed with embarrassment on holding his husband's worn boxer even though this was not the first time holding his boxer at his wedding night he brought Jk's boxer to him

What are you doing TaeTae are you a pervert ?? and putted it into the laundry basket

Then Tae picked up his husband's casual clothing, which still carried his masculine fragrance. The bashful Tae nuzzled his nose against the collar, enjoying the soothing scent. Just one sniff, and all of Tae's worries seemed to fade away.

But then reality hit him, and he blushed at the thought of his husband.

After finishing the room arrangement, Tae tackled the laundry and completed the remaining house chores.

Finally, he settled down to study for college.

[At Jeon's corporation and enterprises]

In the meeting room:

We loved your offer, so the deal is sealed!

And both parties shook hands, sealing the agreement.

In Jungkook's office:

Yoongi entered with a helper carrying dozens of bouquets.

Where should I put them, sir? In your car? the helper asked.

Jungkook replied with a sigh, What a waste. Yeah, put them in the car.

The helper took the flowers to the car.

Yoongi let out a sigh of relief. Your hard work paid off, sir. Everyone is praising you. You even received flowers from Seoul!

Jungkook reassured him saying, Yeah, I'm so glad everything worked out despite the hurdles... hurdles.(inaudibly)

As Jungkook reflected on the challenges he faced in securing the deal, one particular problem or a person to be more appropriate kept coming to his mind. Why did he has to ruin his important document? Was it just a grudge against him or something more?what would he get?

Jungkook uttered Yoongi, You can go home early today, it is your reward for sacrificing your date for work

Yoongi with a small grin Thanks, sir.

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