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Thanks for 50+ comments, cutie patooties. As I promised, here is your update, and the next update will be posted at 65+ comments and votes.


Jungkook utters with a proud smirk and indicating towards his manhood I was aware that this thing here is invincible, but I didn't know that it can even make people pregnant by just giving them a mere sight

The flushed Taehyung now wanted only one thing to disappear into nothing

Jungkook chuckled at this flushed Taehyung I am waiting for breakfast in the dining room

The floor-gazing Tae just nodded without looking at Jungkook, afraid that he would notice the crimson color spreading on his cheeks

**At the dining room**

Jungkook's heart was swelling with pride on witnessing the impact he made on Tae.

Tae is not meeting his glances because of the embarrassment and shyness.

He looks so adorable, like a tiny baby bear

**(2 days later at college)**

I'm worried. How did this happen Chim Chim ?? Taehyung asked, very carefully touching his busted plum lip

Jimin hissed, it hurts, don't touch it Tae

Please tell me, Taehyung said applying ointment on it gently.

Jimin proceeded, Well... actually...

Tae peeked into Jimin's eyes

Jimin looked at Tae and continued, Yesterday, I ordered pizza because I was really craving it

Jimin held Tae's hands and asked, Okay, Tae Tae, tell me don't you roam around in only hyung's shirt at home with comfortable shorts? I mean, everyone does that to seduce their husband, like lifting your shirt up or making sexy and dirty glances or gestures for them to come and devour you

Tae flushed after listening to this. You can imagine what images must be coming into his mind.

Hey... Chim Chim, are you sure you're telling me what I'm asking you? asked Tae.

Jimin replied, Oh yes, I know. First, listen carefully. Ok, so I was at home, roaming in hyung's shirt only, with nothing underneath but comfortable shorts. So when the doorbell rang, I ran to receive the pizza. Since I would be in front of a stranger, I buttoned up my shirt properly and went to take it. But to my surprise, it was not the pizza; it was actually Appa instead.

Yoongi hyung was also coming downstairs to pay for the pizza. He had just woken up, so obviously, he was shirtless. Afterall these males feel comfortable sleeping that way. I bet Jungkook hyung also roams shirtless in the house, does he, TaeTae?"

Jimin noticed that Tae was blushing furiously and asked him with a naughty grin Hey, why are you blushing? Tell me does mentioning Jungkook hyung shirtless, are the images of him flashing in front of your eyes? Come on, tell me, I'll keep it a secret

Huh... no, shut up Chim Chim. You're wrong, it's nothing like that, Tae retorted.

Jimin grinned, Your blush is telling me you've seen him more than shirtless... have you? Hm? Hm? You are silent (dramatically) Oh my TaeTae's eyes are not innocent anymore

Tae, with an adorably annoyed face, replied, If you weren't pregnant, I would have beaten you so badly chim chim

Jimin grinned again, How shy and cute you are

Okay, so where were we? Yes, Yoongi came down to pay the bill. Watching me and Yoongi hyung in such a bedraggled state, Appa became furious

My face is nothing Yoongi's face is completely broken. My man, handling this much pain for me (in sad tone)

Appa grabbed my face harshly , turned it to the other side, and saw all the bite marks that my love gave me on my neck. On this harsh treatment, Yoongi came to rescue me but got attacked by Appa. Sadly, his nose is broken, and the insides of his mouth are completely busted. When I went to stop Appa from beating him, I got pushed away harshly, and in this, my lips got busted

Yoongi hyung was hissing in pain but was still concerned about me. He asked, in between when Appa was ruining my love's beautiful face, 'Are you okay, Jiminaah?' It was at that moment my crying face spilled more tears, and I yelled, Why are you beating him? Will you take my baby's responsibility if something happens to him?

And Appa's eyes went wide in shock, and he released Yoongi's collar. 'You did what to my child?' Appa said. He got furiously up and went back.

I don't understand why such a rukus  people would really perform black magic to get a son-in-law like him. You tell me, what is Yoongi lacking? He is rich, working in the prestigious Jeons, handsome, loves and cares for me and our baby, and not to mention, he makes me very happy, especially more at night and Jimin chuckled in between his sad face

Taehyung replied concerned So what have you decided now, Chim Chim?

Eomma will visit us today maybe she will understand us, Jimin replied

I'll pray that everything works in favor of you three, Tae said, worriedly

Jimin replied, Yeah, hope so. To be honest, TaeTae, I love my Appa and Eomma wholeheartedly. I can't live if they abandon me, but I also can't live without Yoongi and our baby

Tae rubbed Jimin's back to comfort him and rubbed soothing circles on his scalp

**At Jeons corp.**

Whoa... Man, what is this? Jungkook uttered on seeing Yoongi's face.

Yoongi replied, Nothing, just an accident.

Do you take me for a fool? Jungkook asked

Yoongi vigorously shook his head in denial, Oh no, Master, I don't

It looks like punching. Tell me, who broke your face, otherwise I have my methods to find out,Jungkook said.

Oh no, please don't do anything sir It was Jimin's Appa actually Yoongi answered.

Oh, that explains why it's in this wretched state. You probably didn't even fight back, am I right? Jungkook asked.

Yes, how can I hit him back? He is Jimin's Appa, after all  Yoongi replied.

Jungkook muttered inaudibly, Love sure makes people stupid. I swear to never fall in it

But why, at the mention of love, does Tae's face come to his mind?

He shook off his thoughts

What made him do that, Yoongi? Jungkook asked

Well, I don't know. Maybe the fact that I impregnated their lovely son, Yoongi replied

You are going to be a father now? This is news to me. Congratulations, man. But isn't Jimin still young? Are you sure about it? Jungkook asked

Yes, you are right sir, but Jimin wants this baby, and he is so happy after this news Yoongi replied.

Jungkook sighed, Hmm, and it'll be a sin to snatch this motherhood experience from him. Well, I wish both of you the best of luck, and tell me if I can help in any way

Sure, and thank you sir, Yoongi said.

**At Jeons' mansion**

Tae was arranging Jungkook's clothes in his closet. He was on tiptoes to put the garment in the upper drawer when something fell from above and hit Tae's head

Ouch, what is this? Tae bent and picked it up which made his eye's widen up. It was a condom box with XXL size.

The flustered Tae picked it up and threw it back to where it came from without further delay.

Tae, with an embarrassed, low voice, muttered, Why are such embarrassing things happening to me nowadays? Good thing Master is not here


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