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Tae takes another glass and after pouring water in it he gives it to the boy

So I am Doyun with a big smile the boy replied and you are ??

It feels like Tae has no energy within him to answer his question. His eyes have no light his head is hanging low

The boy goes close to Tae's  and bends his back to look at Tae's face

C'mon I asked you something??

Tae replies  oh !! I am Taehyung

Taehyung and.....??

Tae looks at the boys in disbelief  And ??

Who are you , i have never seen you before ??

Tae replies I am ......I am

Yes you are ??

Tae replies I am a domestic helper here

Doyun remarks That must mean that the Jeons takes a good care of their helpers that they can even afford all this  indicating towards his luxury clothing

C'mon anyone can tell you are not a worker as much as i can guess you must be that rich man's wife

Tae eyes widens the other boy smirks looks like i hit the correct answer

Tae denies No, I am not as his mind reminds him Jungkook's words that he isn't allowed to reveal this to anyone

The boy sits at the counter Geez , i never understand these rich people , if i was in his shoes i would never call other people to accompany me in bed .

Gosh!! Wife this much beautiful must be the result of some previous deeds 

You must be thinking how i am guessing everything correct??  To tell you the truth I am dealing with these rich people from a long time as you know my livelihood depends on them

What are you still doing here ?? A stern voice came

The boy goes towards Jungkook Are you talking to me daddy ??

Yes , the sun is up what are you still doing here?? Didnt i told you last night to go away before the dawn breaks raising his one eyebrow

Oh no you didn't said anything like this last night to me

Jungkook checks his memory and realises that he forgot to tell him

Ok but now i am saying GO

The cute boy replies by faking annoyance how can i go outside you tore my clothes last night winked at him

Jungkook pinches his nose bridge take any pant from my closet and get out of my property within 5 mins and your time starts now

And the boy  starts running towards JK's room and fastly grabbed a pant and ran away because the boy know completely well that the first thing that Jungkook like to see is definitely not a whore's face also completely aware about what happens to those who dont obey him

Jungkook didn't ordered the boy to leave last night that is why he stayed

The blonde was standing with his gaze fixed at nothing in particular and Jungkook was standing standing few metres away

He scanned the boy from top to bottom , rolled his eyes and left for gym

After some time Tae arranges the breakfast at dining in the hope that maybe today Jungkook have his breakfast

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