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Next day, while they were having breakfast Y/n asked "Can i go out of the mansion?" She feels really bored entire day plus she has never been someone who likes being inside four walls. Befire getting into this complicated situation, almost entire day, she used to be out, wandering here and there and now suddenly she has nowhere to go.

Jungkook looked up from his plate at her question and narrowed his eyes "Why do you want to go outside?" Before she can answer, he said "You're not going anywhere."

"Not like that.... just to the garden and yard, not outside the main gate" Y/n explained before he gets her wrong. He stared at her for a moment before finally nodding "Fine" he said "But don't try anything cute or I'll make you regret." Y/n nodded at his threat.

As he agreed to her, she couldn't help but be selfish and demand for one more thing but wasn't sure if he would agree on this one. She stared at him while he ate.

Jungkook looked over at her as he took a bite "what?" He asked, mouth full. He didn't care if he was rude in the slightest to her. "... umm..can i-i..get a phone... or-r something" Y/n asked with hesitation and doubt. His expression were as if she asked the dumbest question ever.

"No" he said simply, he was surprised that she even thought of that question after being in the situation she was. "You don't need a phone." Y/n bit her lower lip "Can i make a call from your phone?" She asked, hoping he would agree.

Jungkook glared at her "No, you can't" he said harshly. He was getting annoyed by her demands which can't be fulfilled. He didn't wish to hear it anymore. "Please, what's the problem?" Y/n pressed the matter more, in more demanding way.

He slammed his fist down on the table, making her jump "The problem" he began "Is you... and the way you manage to annoy me every single time."

"Jus-st... one cal- " Y/n was insisting more when she was cut off by Jungkook getting up from his chair, towering over her "I said no" he bit out "And i suggest you drop it before i lose my temper."

Y/n also stood up, she felt her anger flaring at his behavior. Now she couldn't go without doing something to make a mess and create a scene so, she grabbed the table top cloth in her fist, aggressively pulled the table top cloth, causing everything on the grand dinning table to fall down and crash with a loud sound. Food spilled, dishes and utensils crashed and breaked down on the floor. Y/n then turned around and walked out of the dinning hall.

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