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He taps his finger impatiently on the table, staring at the empty chair beside him "Where is she?" he muttered under his breath, his irritation growing. it's been 15 minutes he has sent a maid to call Yn downstairs for dinner but she haven't yet came.

After waiting for few more minutes Jungkook strides out of the dinning hall, his footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. He quickly ascends the staircase and makes his way to their room.

He pounds on the door. He saw that the maid he sended was trying to convince Yn to come downstairs for dinner, his gaze shifted to Yn, who was sitting on the armchair near the floor to ceiling window, her eyes red and puffy probably cause she has been crying throughout the evening after what happened between them.

Her eyes were focused outside, tho she felt his presence "What is it now?" He snaps. "I sent for you 20 minutes ago. You were suppose to be downstairs for dinner by now." The maid silently walked out of the room, to give them privacy.

Yn was completely quiet, she did heard him but didn't spoked a word. She simply looked outside.

Jungkook clenches and unclenches his fist at his side, he hated being ignored. He walks over to the armchair she was sitting on, halting right next to the armchair, his shadow falling over her small frame because of dim light.

"Why aren't you coming down for dinner, Yn? Is there a reason? Or are you just doing this to piss me off?" His voice drops an octave, his eyes narrowing as he stares down at her.

"I won't eat nor drink anything till the time you don't agree to take me to meet my parents" Yn announced her conditions while she continued to stare out of the window. Jungkook understood that she just changed her tactics to make him agree to her demand.

He chuckled coldly upon hearing he response. He actually liked how she tried different approach, he even admired her determination even tho it was misplaced "I have already given my answer and let me tell you, you're fasting won't change a damn thing."

"Fine, than even i won't change my mind as well" Yn said, her voice filled with desperation and determination to get her way.

"Is this your final answer, Yn?" Jungkook asked, his tone mocking as he leaned back against the window, right infront of her, blocking her view. his arms crossed against his chest.

"Yes, any doubt" Yn finally looked at him, she didn't liked his mocking tone towards her.

He met her gaze, filled with determination to bend him to her wish "That's fine with me, i don't care if you strave"

Yn's face fell upon hearing his response "I really mean it" she said, a bit loudly to make him believe.

He stared at her for a moment, her sudden outburst made him raise an eyebrow. She was determined and desperate, he could see that "Really, i don't care if you srave" he repeated "If you're really willing to put yourself through that just to make me agree, than who am i to stop?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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