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After the unsettling events, I attempt to immerse myself in my work. As the sun sets and night falls, a weariness settles within me. The thought of returning to the mansion and confronting Y/n exhausts me already.

The mere thought of returning back to the mansion, bracing myself to face Y/n, overwhelms my heart. I've never allowed such a connection to form before; even the idea of tackling the wave of emotion from her is a headache.

After a moment of contemplation, I finally made my mind and decides to head towards my secluded, other property. I'm just not ready to face the emotional turmoil that going back to the mansion entails.


As I step into the farmhouse, I can't help but feel a wave of serenity wash over me, the silence is comforting, just like old times. As sigh escaped my lips as I remember how Y/n has filled the mansion with her energy, her presence. How long has it been since I last experienced peace at home? As I force Y/n into my life, chaos and drama have became constant companions.

I walked to his room, washing away the exhaustion of the day with a refreshing touch of water and entering the realm of comfortable rest on the bed.

After laying down on the bed in the hope of finding a quick escape through sleep. I soon realize that's not a option for me tonight. The day's event, more specially, the image of Y/n, constantly crying and pleading, keeps replaying inside my mind.

My heart often pounds with a twisted sense of gratification when I see others trembling before me, reduced to begging and shedding tears. Surprisingly, the sight of her crying eyes triggers a diffrent reaction.

It puzzles me why her tear have such an impact. Our paths crossed merely 72 hours ago, and she has hardly been anything but a nuisance, stirring up scenes and emotional outburst at every turn, yet, those tears...

Somehow, her tears are like a magnet that draws my attention. Despite the frustration and annoyance she causes, I can't help but wonder what drives her to cry. Is it fear? Anguish? Resignation?

Leave that apart, I can't even fathom my own reaction when Y/n had tired to escape me. The anger and desperation that had filled me were as confusing as they were intense. It was as if I needed her to be within my reach, to see her there infront of me, at that very instant.

I very well knew that I'll find her eventually, so, why did I lose control? It was as if I had gone crazy, my mind consumed by a desperate need to bring her back at that very moment. Why did her escape affect him so deeply?

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