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"EMMY, wake up! Greer shook the Princess awake, brushing some of the hair out of her face.

"Greer, it's too early!" She groaned, covering her eyes and shielding them from the harsh sunlight.

"We've been trying to wake you for a while," Kenna giggled.

"Well, dear Kenna, I didn't get any rest the night before last. My sister begged me not to leave her, and I was too paranoid to sleep. I couldn't get my mind off of what had happened with Colin." Emilia turned onto her stomach, burying her nose into her pillow as her words came out muffled.

"That sounds awful," Aylee's blonde brows furrowed.

The weight on the bed shifted as the lady in waiting took a seat next to the Princess.

"Enough small talk, girls. We must go to Mary's chambers and wake her for breakfast. Lola should be there, as well." Greer patted Emilia's back, urging her to leave the warm bed she craved so dearly.

"Okay, okay." Emilia ran her fingers through her knotted hair, sitting up reluctantly. Her eyes were a bit puffy, her hair curling every which way. Still, she was the picture of young beauty.

All of the girls had met in Mary's chambers, and they were all watching over Lola as she slept in the young Queen's bed. The Princess lay next to her, still exhausted from earlier.

"Princess Emilia of Scotland, Lady Kenna, Lady Aylee and Greer of Kinross, Your Grace." One of Mary's servants had announced when they arrived.

"You slept there while Lola slept in your bed?" Kenna inquired, nodding to a cushioned bench that was covered in pillows and blankets. Emilia's eyes followed the lady's gaze to the mess of blankets on the chaise.

Mary nodded, lowering her voice as she sat near her sister's feet. "We spoke of Colin, what happened to him, she fell asleep crying. I feel for her, and for Colin." Mary anxiously wrung her hands.

"And how are you, Sister?" Emilia placed a comforting hand on Mary's forearm, her eyes scanning over her older sister's face. "Have you been able to sleep?" The forming bags under the young Queen's eyes indicated that the answer was not one she'd hoped for.

"I will, soon. After we find out who is behind all of this."

The girls left Mary's chambers and went to breakfast, which was held in an isolated hall where they could eat privately while Lola slept soundly.

Emilia sat on the stone floor, quietly munching on an apple as Greer began brushing and braiding her hair.

"I need the alliance with France to protect Scotland from the English, and I need time before there is any chance of Francis marrying me." Mary Stuart rambled on about French Court and the alliance, "I'll not have time if I don't figure out who's against me."

It was rare to see the older Stuart so disconcerted, it was more typical of her to be calm, collected, and composed. She leaned against a column, her arms crossed over her ivory nightgown.

"Mary, please. Take a breath. The alliance is secured for now. Besides, whoever is behind these vile acts cannot remain in the shadows much longer. They will be found." Emilia offered, a fruitless attempt to console her sister. "Francis is on your side, as are Henry and Catherine."

"Catherine isn't on anyone's side but her own," Kenna disagreed, her tone bitter. Her eyes were glued to the half-eaten pastry in her hands, her jaw tense.

"What do you mean?" Emilia's brows furrowed. She took another bite of her apple.

"It's true," Aylee added on. "Catherine doesn't care for anyone but herself, her children, and you, I suppose. She even acts in a hostile manner with Mary, who is engaged to her son."

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