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EMILIA was dressed in a beautiful dark red dress as she stood looking out over the balcony at the sight of Henry and his men leaving to travel to Lorraine with the trumpets playing.

The Princess of Scotland frowned as she looked into the crowd, startled when Catherine suddenly appeared next to her, "I do not see Sebastian or Francis. Is it not the custom for all able bodied men to accompany the King to war?" Emilia curiously questioned turning to face Catherine.

"Oh, it's not war. Just a minor display of temper by some peasants." Catherine explained and shrugged her shoulders casually, "Men must find something to kill from time to time. It's a pity they can't live harmoniously like women."

Emilia let out a sigh of disagreement before she turned to look at Catherine raising her brows and asked, "Harmoniously?" She questioned, "Every woman at Court, in the entirety of Europe perhaps would choose a title over a friend." Em expressed herself, "The men and women have their flaws just the same." Emilia commented with a dull expression on her face looking down at the crowd.

Catherine shook her head as she understood the brunette, "Those are the realities of our world, amore."

Emilia gulped as avoided eye contact with the Queen before sending one last look to the men making their way away from the castle as she spun around and started walking away. The Princess walked into the room where Francis and Charles where play fighting with forks causing a small smile to appear on her face at the sight.

"My mother's fault. She's forcing everyone to learn how to use these things. Forks." Francis remarked as his gaze landed on Emilia who nodded her head with a glad expression, "A Neapolitan count is coming. She doesn't want us to look like barbarians before a fellow Italian."

"Is that why you are not off with your father and Sebastian?" Emilia asked curiously glancing at Francis who nodded his in confirmation and informed, "He must be greeted by a King or a Dauphin or else it's an insult." the brunette nodded her head with a plain line across her lips.

Francis eyes narrowed as he slowly turned to face her with an quizzical look on his face, "I spoke to Mary earlier." He paused, "You were with another?"

"Mary told you this?" Emilia questioned, as she continued speaking, "When you were my sister's bethroed, before things had changed yes."

Francis snapped his head towards Emilia as he shook his head, "What of your Virtue Emilia..." he tried understand only for Emilia to interrupt him as she explained, "We did not consummate Francis! Who are you to talk? You lost that long ago to Olivia."

"You're right." Francis began to say as he took a couple of steps towards Emilia to clenched her jaw with a shake of her head taking a step away from him, " I didn't mean to..."

Emilia couldn't help the sigh that escaped her lips as she shook her head, "I do not want to wed you Francis. I do not want to be Queen, I was not made for this." Emilia whispered, "Your mother will be unhappy, but with Tomas gone you and Mary have a chance now, take it Francis." She spun on her heel and left the room.

Francis stood by the entrance of the castle beside his mother, "He's from a minor family but they have influence." Catherine warned her son with a firm expression on her face.

"The Honourable Count Vincent, of Naples!" The guard announcer loudly as his voice echoed down the hallway only for Francis to glance at his mother and whispered, "There's no one to misbehave in front of, as French court is nearly vacant."

The mother and son duo started walking towards Count Vincent and his men as Catherine placed a false smile on her face before nudging her son and whispered yelled, "Smile. Remember it was less than a year ago that Henry was at war with half of Italy."

Catherine smiled at Count Vincent as they met in the middle of the hall as she spoke fluent Italian, "El Conte Vincenzo. Benvenuto a casa de Valois" the count Vincent smiled in response bowing his head slightly and greeted, "Your Majesty. What a blessing to be in your luminous presence."

"Gratzi." Catherine spoke when he pressed a kiss to her hand as count Vincent continued speaking looking between the Queen of France and her son, "I should explain my lack of punctuality to King Henry, but I see the son and not the father."

Francis had to stop himself from rolling his eyes as he cleared his throat and explained, "Unfortunately, the King is away at the moment." Catherine nodded her head in confirmation as she added in, "Yet, what better host than a fellow Italian."

Catherine was about to lead Count Vincent and his men away when a guard stopped them and called out, "Your Majesty! I must ask the Count's men for their weapons before I show them to their rooms. King Henry would expect it." Catherine nodded her head in agreement before turning to face the count and told him, "Of course, it's just for formality, count. You don't mind."

In the throne room, Emilia was standing beside Mary when Count Vincent greeted the Scottish Royals pressing a kiss to each of their hands but his eyes lingered, "Your Grace. Your Highness. You must guard her close, Dauphin- or someone might steal her away." Emilia chuckled with a small smile turning to face her sister with a surprised look causing Mary to shake her head with an amused smile as a maid walked over towards them with a tray filled with glasses of wine, "How delightful. All of Italy has heard of the gold goblets given you by the Pope Clement on your marriage no doubt you keep them for more important guests."

"So, Count, is this your first visit to France?" Emilia curiously questioned trying to break the awkward silence that took place between the group only for Count Vincent to shake his head in response and informed, "No, I was on French soil less than a year ago to negotiate for my son. He was taking prisoner, along with some other officers near the French-Italian border."

Emilia's and Mary's eyes widened in surprise as they turned their attention to Francis and Catherine who had an uncomfortable look on their faces and count continued speaking, "-nothing to be ashamed of. War is costly. One's money must be recouped somehow, holding hostages for ransom is an old tradition."

"And did you secure your son's release?" Catherine curiously asked as she turned her gaze to the older man who nodded his head in confirmation with a cold look in his eyes, "Of course. Roberto was held for eight months, I bargained like any Italian would, Shrewdly. I worked my way up through two colonels and a general and negotiated with the King and one day he returned to me for 1500 ducats. It is hard to apprise the value of a human life but now I know my son's 1500 ducats. I have France to thank for that clarity."

Emilia shifted awkwardly on her feet as she glanced between Catherine and Count Vincent before the Queen lifted up her glass of wine to make a toast, " To peace and long friendship." the five of them lifted up their drinks and clicked them again one another's as the count added in, "To clarity."

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