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THE Count and his men had only arrived a few short hours ago.

"Tell me, your highness, when do you expect King Henry to return with his men?" Count Vincent questioned staring directly at Catherine but before she could say anything Francis beat her to it and hastily informed, "Quite soon. Knowing my father, he could return at any moment." 

"Perhaps this discussion should be postponed until the King's return." Catherine suggested with a firm look causing the count to shake his head with an taunting smirk and resorted, "If I wanted to wait for the King's return, I wouldn't have camped in the woods for the last three weeks, waiting for Henry and his men to leave."

Francis went to withdraw his sword but his mother stopped him as he stood protectively in front of the three girls and warned, "You may leave with your life that is all we can offer you" the Count had an amused grin on his face as he glanced at one of his men and replied, "No one is leaving, Dauphin. With your soldiers gone, my men control the entrance. They've taken your few aged guards prisoner, we have their weapons."

"The castle is secured, my Lord." one of the counts guard announced as a few of his men walked into the room causing a smirk to appear on his lips as he turned to face Francis, Emilia, Mary and Catherine and exclaimed, "This Castle is now under my protection until I receive satisfaction."

Mary scoffed as she narrowed her eyes at the man in disgust and corrected, "You mean money. You're holding us for ransom." the Count turned his attention to the two Scottish royals and resorted, "Queen Mary, I apologize you and Emilia are innocent in all of this." 

As night fell, Kenna was making her way through the castle when she entered the room where Count Vincent's men were sat around laughing and drinking together when one of the men licked his lips as his eyes scanning her body as he called out and questioned the beautiful brunette, "Where are you going, pretty one?"

"Excuse me." Kenna softly spoke shifting uncomfortably as she tried to walk past him only for the man to block her path sending her a seductive look and curiously asked, "And why such a hurry?" Kenna narrowed her eyes at the blonde man in front of her crossing her arms over her chest wanting nothing but to leave his presence as she snapped, "And who are you?"

The blonde man smirked at the brunette in a teasing manner staring at Kenna lustfully, "You'll find I'm very good company. Not like these dogs." he commented smugly pointing to his friends behind him causing Kenna to scoff in disgust going to walk away but he grabbed ahold of her arms pulling her towards the table causing her to yell out frantically, "Get your hands off me! You have no idea whom you're dealing with!"

"Oh, who are we dealing with?" He curiously questioned with an amused grin on his face as Kenna continued to struggle in his grasp and she softly muttered under her breathe, "I'm a special friend of the king's." The man had not seem bothered by what she had said as he shrugged his shoulders casually as he chuckled lightly and sarcastically questioned, "The King's away, isn't he?"

Emilia and Mary entered the room with the youngest sister sending a heated glare to the man who had Kenna in his grasp and harshly called out, "Let her go! I am the Princess of Scotland and that is my Lady. Kenna, go upstairs."

Kenna turned her attention to the Princess with a look of relief on her face but he still didn't let go off her as he looked over at Emilia over his shoulder and snapped, "She's fine here."

Count Vincent who heard Emilia's voice walked into the room looking around in confusion and questioned, "Is something wrong, Your Highness?"

"We're just having a bit of fun with this one, My Lord. She's the King's whore!" The man holding Kenna explained before either Mary or Emilia could speak up causing the count to turn his attention to the Stuarts with a shrug of his shoulders and stated, "Soldiers must have their indulgences."

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