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EMILIA had hardly slept, partially from pain and partially from confusion.

Pulling a cape on over her nightdress and bringing a candle in case she found herself in a dark corner.

She padded through the corridors of the castle, the grey stone shocking her feet with every step. She appreciated the silence of the night, she just wished it could be a bit brighter. The darkness held too many mysterious possibilities, too many opportunities for ghosts and goblins.

It was cool outside, the wind gently blowing against Emilia's skin.

"Planning on taking an evening stroll, Princess?" Bash smirked, seemingly leading his horse to the stables.

"No, I only needed a moment of peace." Bash was surprised to hear no witty comeback, no quip, she didn't even tear her eyes away from their fixed position.

"Nostradamus says I'll be healed within a few days. I hope they find that poor girl." Emilia pulled off her hood, approaching the horse calmly.

"I don't trust him, he works for Catherine," Sebastian's eyes were glowing in the moonlight, like small pieces of the sky itself had found their way into his irises.

Emilia pressed her palm against the horse's snout, gliding it downward softly as she held her candle in her other hand. "I trust them both,"

Bash was taken aback by Emilia's behavior. She was quiet, too quiet. He worried that all the chaos of life at French Court was getting to her. "Are you alright, Emilia?"

"I will be. I'm-" She paused, deep in thought. "I'm only tired. It's been a hectic few days. I should get back to bed. Goodnight, Sebastian."

A gust of wind blew past them, blowing out the flame Emilia had been clinging to. This catalyzed her urge to go back inside, returning to the safety of the well lit castle.

Bash noticed this and bowed his head. "Goodnight, Emilia."

Emilia was on her way back to bed when she saw her sister rushing through the halls, seemingly about to go to war.

"Mary," She called. "Where are we going?" She sped up, matching her older sister's pace.

"We have a theory." The Queen held up a large gold key, allowing the Princess to examine it as she hastened through the stone building. "I think I know who's been behind all this, who's been targeting us since our arrival."

They approached a door and Mary slid the key in, turning it slowly as the pair heard all the mechanisms turning and shifting from within the lock.

Mary pulled the key out and pushed the door open, revealing a shirtless Simon, the English envoy, with the poisoned servant lying in his bed, naked.

"You," Mary breathed.

"You!" Emilia shouted. "I tried to save you! I was burned and blistered for your sake." Emilia stepped towards the girl threateningly, but Simon stood in her way.

"Admittedly not apart of our plan. I'm sorry, Princess, but we only meant to cause fear, not harm. Someone else is to blame for your recent affliction, although I can't say l'm too displeased by it. Perhaps now that your hands are, unserviceable, you'll learn to keep your mouth in control as well." Simon smirked, tossing the actress of the century a cloak to cover herself.

Emilia was overwhelmed by rage. She could only listen as Mary confronted the envoy and the servant ran out.

Snapping out of it, Emilia stomped on Simon's foot, and she dug her heel in between his toes.

"My hands may not be serviceable, but my feet still are."

She turned around and stomped out, Mary following close behind.

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