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EMILIA shuffled her feet on the stone floor, standing outside of Mary's chambers. Emilia to her sister, bringing her knees to her chest. They sat for a moment in silence, and Mary spoke.

"How long have you been with the Lord?" She dared to ask.

The truth brought on a wave of guilt, Emilia responding. "Since I arrived,"

Mary chuckled, looking back towards the glass. "And when did you plan on telling me?"

"I didn't." Emilia furrowed her brow. "You have been enamored with duties I should be helping with, instead I-"

"You should have told me. We don't keep secrets." Mary paused pensively.

"I'm sorry," Emilia apologized. The guilt was overwhelming, guilt that had no place. It was not a crime to fall in love, but for a Princess- for Emilia it seemed to be. "He had to leave, Mary. I have to marry Francis and you, Tomas.."

Mary nodded, looking out the window. Her eyes scanned across the night sky, analyzing the stars and moon carefully.

"All I ask is that you're truthful with me from now on, as your sister, and as your friend. I don't blame you for loving him. However, we have to do whats best for Scotland,"

As Catherine exited the throne room, ordering the servants around, the beautiful red-clothed Princess caught her eye.

"Amore!" She cheered, calling the young girl over to her. "My darling dear, my future daughter!"

She wrapped her arms around the Princess tightly pulling away and pinching one of her cheeks. This was the side of Catherine nobody ever saw, the side where she was simply a mother who loved her children.

"Catherine," Emilia's smile could be heard from her voice.

"I have never been happier for my son. You are everything that I could have dreamed of in a wife for him. I am so glad this day has come."

"As am I," She feigned her joy.

"We'll need to start planning soon, you'll need a dress..."

The sound of Catherine's enumeration of tasks that needed completing faded from Emilia's ears, as her attention was caught by her sister and friends.

The five teenage girls sifted through trunks, searching for accessories for the upcoming costume banquet.

Emilia made her way to her friends,

"He called himself her better. He sounded so cold, so evil. It was like he was a completely new person." Aylee spoke timidly. "I just, I wish you didn't have to marry him,"

"I don't even know what to say, I would have never expected this behavior from him. He seemed so charming, so kind."

From in front of Greer, Emilia played with the beading on her soft pink dress, pearls adorning the thin fabric.

She was feeling so terrible about the situation. "Mary, if he touches you l'Il-"

"I hope it won't come to that," Mary spoke calmly, adjusting her hairpiece. "If it does, we will react accordingly. With your engagement to Francis, we'll still have France behind us, and with your power and mine, I'm sure everything will end up fine,"

"I wish you all didn't have to go," Kenna frowned, leaning her head on Mary's shoulder as she looked at their reflection in the tall mirror before them. "What are Emilia and I to do in France, without you?"

"We'll see each other again, I know it," Lola chimed in from her spot on the bed, holding a helmet with horns in her lap.

"And perhaps we'll all be married by then," Greer grinned, tying up the last few braids in Emilia's hair.

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