Chapter 3: Sneak out

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Rosie, Alastor, and Husk were on their way to pick up Nifty who had just finished a mission in the woods where she had hunted down and killed another vampire. Covered in blood, Nifty was overjoyed to see Alastor and ran over to join them in the carriage. After a 30-minute journey, they arrived at a church that looked like any other worshiping God. As they stepped out of the carriage, a nun with a cloth covering her eyes approached them and led them to a hidden lever on the wall. She pulled it, and a secret passage opened up, revealing a long ladder of stairs leading down to a hidden room where they stored the bodies of the vampires. Here, they would extract blood to cure them, well that's what they say or, in some cases, burn the corpses to rid them of the demon's curse. As they entered the room, a worker dressed in a priest's attire walked towards them.

??: "Alastor my son, how are you"

Alastor: "Father I am doing fine, but what has wished for us to visit the church"

??": "Well to have your weekly examination, did you perhaps forget"

Alastor: "Oh, it seems we did"

??: "Now, let them examine you my children and I will inform you of your new mission"

Alastor let out a sigh as everyone moved to tables to get ready for their examination. It was a simple procedure where they only took blood and asked questions to ensure that they weren't going back to killing or eating people. They were cannibals, except for Husk who ate people but never craved it like the others in his team.

After the examination, they were given a vial to drink only when they were in danger. The priest came back to tell them about their missions. They were sent to different places to check if it was a vampire attack or just a killer on the loose. It took them a few days to complete all the missions, almost two months in total.

In those two months, Lucifer would visit them again, but he stopped coming after the shipment of wine had arrived. However, he had built a sort of friendship bond with Alastor, as he was always there when Lucifer visited the bar in town to get wine. Alastor was a little upset when Lucifer stopped coming, but he had no time to be upset as he needed to focus on the missions. Their last mission was in a part of the town that was said to be abandoned. The attacks were on some young teens who died for ignoring the warning. They headed off to that area, not realizing that it was where the path to the Crimson Moon Kingdom was. Lucifer had blocked it with curse magic so that no one could find the path to enter unless they were a vampire.

Everything was foggy and so dark that it would fog up Alastor's monocle. He wiped it and looked around, but all he could see was endless darkness.

Husk: "Why can't I just stay behind, while you guys do the last mission"

Alastor: "Why don't like the hunt"

Husk: "Yes"

Rosie: "Come on, don't be so glum husk, nifty is having fun too"

Nifty: "Yeah"

Alastor heard rustling in the bushes and gestured for everyone to be quiet. He approached the bush to investigate and saw a person wearing a hood. He thought it might be Lucie, so he moved his hand closer. Suddenly, he heard another noise and quickly turned his knife in that direction. It was then that he saw another girl wearing a hood. She had brown hair, light brown skin, and an eyepatch with an "x" on it. The visible part of her eye was black. The second girl ran towards the first one, pulled out her sword, and pointed it at Alastor.

Vaggie: "Stay away"

Before this

Charlie was pacing around her room, while Vaggie was in the kitchen getting them a snack to eat. She returned with a bowl of fruit, placed it on the table in the room, and walked over to her girlfriend. Vampires can eat normal fruit, but it's something they don't need unlike blood which they need to survive. Vaggie put her hand on Charlie's shoulder to comfort her.

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