Lesson 2: Isle of Secrets

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Eagus really outdid himself today.

With every heavy step that landed on the grass, you thought it might incinerate from your burning feet. Your muscles that ached continued to vibrate, and the sensation of still being hammered by a bamboo stick created aftershocks of agony.

You lifted up the sleeve of your uniform to see a scathing red imprint of where the bamboo had struck. You had failed to parry it.

"If this were a real battle, your arm would be gone by now." You could still hear Eagus lambasting you in that militant tone of his.

The sun had long set, and miles and miles of cobalt sky surrounded Skyloft. Not even the other far-off islands were visible once the radiance of the sun began to fade away. Your knuckles cracked as you began to turn the doorknob of the Knight Academy. You swore you could feel your soft, cotton sheets calling to you from the other side.

Actually, it was Karane who was calling out to you.

"Y/N?" She winced when she took a gander at your besmirched clothing and battered body.

"Oh, Y/N, how long did you stay at Eagus's? Don't tell me you've been practicing since class ended." She tapped her foot impatiently, crossing her arms to warn you about the imminent earful you were about to receive. That was until Pipit walked through the door.

Pipit was an exemplary student of Professor Owlan who had graduated and been dubbed a knight. He now had the role of nocturnal guard, patrolling the perimeters of Skyloft and looking out for citizen safety. He was swift in combat, an outstanding Loftwing pilot, and easy on the eyes.

At least, easy to Karane's eyes.

They were both insufferable to watch. Every time Pipit would greet Karane, he said her name as if it were milk chocolate threatening to melt on his tongue. It was careful, precise, and seductive. Their eyes would pirouette around each other, covering every surface from their lips to the dimensions of each other's shoulder blades.

Something had to give between the two.

"Oh-h, um, hi, Pipit." A blush as red and thick as the mane on Karane's head began to cover her face.

"Hey." You added not wanting to appear rude, but clearly unenthusiastic.

"Y/N. Karane." Pipit removed his long fern knight hat, nodding at you both. "Good night to you ladies. I hope you are in for the night; you shouldn't be out when the monsters begin to roam."

"Nope, we are going to study for the big Loftwing midterm! Aren't we, Y/N?" She wrapped an arm around your shoulder, causing you to yelp.

"Good to hear." Pipit strolled away, leaving Karane's breath labored, as if she had just run up and down the stairs of the goddess statue.

"Good grief. Just tell him how you feel."

She stomped her foot. "No! Look at him, Y/N! That man is out of my league. Knighted, intelligent, mannerly, and- "

"Karane, didn't you hear how he said your name? He didn't even look at me."

"Frankly, Y/N, I don't even want to look at you; you're a sight for sore eyes right now."

"Funny." Yet your response lacked laughter.

As your feet shuffled down the hall, Karane was hot on your heels, nagging you about how you're overexerting yourself. You walked past your classroom, which was vacant, except for Link and Zelda.

Karane's voice sounded far away as your attention faded elsewhere. You knew you shouldn't spy, but you couldn't help but notice how their heads appeared conjoined as a book sat in between them. You felt something begin to creep over you—something you didn't quite want to feel.

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