Lesson 6: Scandal on Skyloft

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You could no longer blame it on the turbulence.

As Skyloft came into view, so did an aerial shot of your classmates standing on the island's edge. The clouds failed to veil the folded arms of the headmaster, Pipit's chagrin, or Zelda's scowl. 

The sight alone made your guts feel as if they had fallen to your kneecaps. 

Then, of course, there was Karane, her hands making a clapping motion that you could imagine was nowhere near as loud as the huge, unmistakable grin she wore on her freckled face. 

As you descended, Link cast a glance in your direction. "Let me handle Gaepora and Owlan." His voice hovered around you in warning. "But Y/N, please heed my warning and forfeit. Now that you have heard some of what Impa and I have discussed, the wing ceremony is the perfect opportunity for the imprisoned to break free once more. And if something happens to you, I-"

"You never even explained to me what 'the imprisoned' is. Why should I fear what I don't understand? Besides, I'm not a character in your silly legend anyway." Your response was snarky, but at least it didn't betray your hurt. "And I don't need you to protect me. I can protect myself. So, just focus on your goddess."

Link's Loftwing fluttered to a graceful stop by the light tower, where everyone was gathered in wait for your arrival. You hopped off, desperate to get away from Link so that he couldn't see the devastation that had made itself known between your scrunched-together brows.

Just focus on your goddess. You mentally repeated, feeling Link's eyes on your back as you left him stranded on top of his Loftwing.

Karane beelined toward you. In a hushed whisper, she chided, "Ohhhh, Y/N You've done it now. Sneaking out? At night? Without being a Loftwing pilot? With Link? Goddess, this is the most delicious scandal ever." 


"Oh, if you had seen Zelda's face when word got out that you and Link were missing together! I wish I could have taken a photo and taped it to my locker. It was sensational!"


"However, Pipit's ego is hurting. He blames himself for not seeing you or Link leave while he was on guard duty. Honestly, Y/N, I'm happy for you, but did you have to make Pipit look incompetent?" 


"Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. I just feel slighted, like we are best friends, and you didn't tell me once about you and Link. I knew you liked him! You're so obvious sometimes. Did you kiss? Did he profess his love to you among the stars on top of his crimson Loftwing?" 


You grabbed your friends' shoulders and gave her a light shake. "Look, it was an accident! I did sneak out; however, it was by myself, and I ended up falling to the surface and-"

She cupped her pretty pout beneath her hands. "The surface! Y/N!"  You sighed, realizing your explanation was just fodder for more of Karane's questioning.

"What did you see down there?" 

"Uh, birds? A pinecone woman?"

Karane's eyes went wide. "Whoa, you saw birds?"

"I didn't really explore; Link dived after me and-"

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