Lesson 7: Mandated to Miss You

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You weren't sure which was haunting you more.

The echo of Gaepora's dire caveat or the unnaturally smothering clutches Zelda seemed to have on Link every time you saw them together.

But, surprise! You were still permitted to participate in the wing ceremony and compete to become a knight.

But there was a catch; it came in the form of a plea bargain from the headmaster himself.

Stay away from Link and his obligation to his daughter, Zelda, who is actually the incarnation of Hylia, and be dismissed of all guilty offenses committed the past night.

Of course, you weren't going to clue Link into any of this. Any time you ran into him, you would give him a tight smile behind a curt greeting. Your toes would point in whatever direction he wasn't, and you would sprint off.

In class, you would catch him staring at you, the obvious luster of suspicion present in the darkened blue of his eyes. But luckily, Zelda was by his side, quick to make sure there was no other sight he'd rather see than her strawberry tinted pout and feathery lashes.

But you also found you didn't hate the moment both of your eyes would meet while your classmates were obliviously listening to Owlan prattle on.

Thankfully, Zelda's clingy personality, which usually made you want to gag, had become a blessing in disguise.

Besides, you had a bigger fish to fry. And that was the competition tomorrow, and why you suddenly felt so utterly uninspired.

Something inside of you shifted, and it was as if you had collected strawberries the past year with hopes of baking a strawberry shortcake, only now you no longer wanted strawberry shortcake. You weren't sure if you should chalk it up to insecurity or despondence. 

 There wasn't room for both you and Link to be supreme ruler and protector of the skies. News of Link's new title had cast you back down to the surface, in an emotional sense, and now you were left to wonder where you even belonged.

Feeling distraught, you skipped going to Eagus's dojo after school and headed straight to your room, being in there long enough to kick off your shoes before a knock sounded from the other side of the door.

Your lethargy was ever present in the disgruntled way you shouted, "Who is it?"

"It's me!" Karane's voice was way too exuberant for your current mood.

You shuffled to the door and opened it, letting her in. You didn't bother greeting her, deciding instead to plop on your bed.

"Y/N, what's the matter?"

You felt the bed shift slightly beneath her weight as she sat down next to your sprawled-out limbs.

"I'm just tired."

"You're just a liar, is what you are! You skipped going to Eagus's." Your best friend's round cheeks swallowed her cute dimples in a frown. "I'm worried. You've been weird since the whole incident with Link. You won't tell me what Gaepora said, and goddess, I still don't know how you managed to not get expelled or suspended."

You plopped over on your stomach, propping yourself up with your elbows. "I'm not sure I want to be a knight."

It was the first time you admitted it out loud, and you felt liberated.

"WHAT? But that's all you've ever talked about! You even practically cut your bond with Link, despite how painfully obvious it is that he fancies you."

"You mean how painfully obvious it is that he fancies Zelda?"

"No," Karane insisted. "You. He doesn't look at Zelda like he looks at you."

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