Lesson 9: Welcome to the Surface Party

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This must be what the Loftwing felt when they were enrobed within clouds as they soared among the vast skies.

You felt your body flop onto your other side; the plush quilt on top of you and the silky sheets beneath you were the absolute perfect sandwich. 

Cuddling the blanket beneath your chin, you lazily shifted one of your eyes open to the comforting surroundings of your bedroom. At your desk was a green tunic hanging from the back of your chair.

You smiled to yourself, shutting your eye again, only for both eyes to launch open with realization.

You didn't own a green tunic.

A pair of lips brushed against your forehead. "Good morning, Y/N..."

You could feel the slight draft of Link's hot breath tickle against your face.

You shot out of bed in a state of alarm, as if you were going to be late for class and Owlan was going to have your head. Link pulled the covers down, revealing the shirtless bust of his sculpted pecks. He suggestively began to pat the empty space beside him. The sight of your distress made his lips pull back like curtains, revealing his ivory-tinted teeth.

"What's wrong? Come back to bed, baby."

Your hands gripped your cheeks with such strength that you thought you might pull your skin off. You croaked. "B-B-Baby?!"

You looked down at the crimson chemise that floated around your body. "What in the name of the goddess is this?! Why are you in my room? Why am I in my room with you? Why am I-"

Link tossed the covers completely off, standing before you in a pair of tight emerald briefs that hugged his lean thighs. He padded over to you, wrapping his arms around you and sighing in your ear.

"W-What are you doing? And when did you become so thin?"

He chuckled. "Thin? Y/N, you must have had a bad dream. And where else would I be besides with you?"

"What do you mean by that?" His arms, which were snaked around your waist from behind, began to clench you tightly, squeezing you like a python.

"You like me like this, don't you, Y/N? The way our skin feels together. The sight of me on top of your sheets." His tongue poked against your ear.

"L-L-Link, you've gone mad! We are barely even friends! Remember! Link?"

"That's an odd way of saying lovers. Admit it, Y/N. You like everything about this. In fact, dare I say you love it?" His lips puckered against your neck as his nose nudged little circles beneath your ear.

You continued to call his name, but he stopped answering you, his mouth satisfied with a serving of your flesh. A soft moan slipped from his lips, and it clawed at you like a Loftwing's talon. You felt a strong, sharp pang in your lower abdomen that rippled below in between your legs.

"Oh Link, please stop. Link? Link!" Your hands involuntarily darted upward, in desperate need of feeling a fistful of his fluffy, dry locks.

Instead of messy, rogue strands stuffed in your hands, you felt a wiry braid woven in between your fingers. You gave it a gentle yank.


Your eyes opened and were greeted by the harsh imprint of frown lines and wrinkles hovering above you. The familiar chitter of birds laughing at you was as daunting as the crinkled dark eyes glowering down at you.

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