Chapter 5 ♡

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Tempting eyes filled
with lies
play dirty games
which , I kinda like
whispers shared in a
dead night a secret dance
with a bit of romance


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Naina's pov:-

Great now Mr. Veeransh Singhania himself call me.

Should I take digestion pills because it's hard to digest that he himself calls me.

Ok, let's talk to him.

"Hello" comes his deep voice.

"Yeah" i replied.

"I hope Simar told you something very important related to your tension" he said in bored tone.

No one is forcing him to talk to me. Why on the earth he is like that .

Or maybe.


"That you find the culprit" i said coming straight to the point.

"Yes" he replied.

"But I don't think you are someone who is gonna tell me personally. You can simply give information to Simar but you didn't, and now spill the beans" I exclaimed.

"Getting clever aren't we Miss. Sharma "

"I am born clever Mr. Singhania " i replied.

"So , now I want you to do something for me. In return you will get all the information you want " Veeransh said

"Or inshot you want my help in my matter " i asked

"No, i don't want your help it is just a deal between us "

Typical Veeransh Singhania.

"Cut the crap fast i don't have time " i said in cold voice.

"I want to know Jaanvi's dream date. I am going to take her on a date but not according to my choice of place and setup but according to her choice"

The only reason I let him marry her is that he will never hurt her and care for her a lot.

"I know she must have a dream date in her mind which she thought in her teenage years " he told me.

"Why won't you yourself ask from her?" I asked.

"Do you know something known as surprise?" He asked.

"So , you want to give her suprise " i asked.

"Are you dumb Naina , ofcourse I want to give her surprise " he frustratedly said.

"Ok, i will tell you everything. But for now tell me his name "

"No, first tell me about what kind of date she want. And I am man of my words i am surely gonna reveal everything " he firmly said.

Aghhh!! Why he need to be that stubborn.

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