Chapter 12

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"okay forget about it and tell me what are making and is it prepared" I asked to Jimmy and Shine. Then, Jimmy said "it is almost prepared, why not we dance on your favorite song, would you like to dance with me". 

I said "okayy, Tiger please play the song and Mr Jimmy may be you can't match my vibe". 

Jimmy said "Ohh miss lets see who can't able to match vibes". Then, Tiger play the song "bahu rangeeli" and I start dancing and Jimmy start dancing according to the beats and our dance doesn't match with each other and after seeing Jimmy not even dance on the beat properly, he stop the music and start scolding Jimmy that he does not even dance properly on the beats. 

At the whole time, when he is scolding Jimmy, I am standing nervously actually I am so much afraid of his scolding and he is totally look like a ice hearted man when he is scold someone, I saw him like that second time, first time when they are doing their practice and this time he continuously scolding Jimmy and I am get afraid of him and hide behind Bear because he is muscle man and I will not be seen behind him.

After few time, Shine is still scolding but then I remember that food is on the gas and may be it is burning then with a lot of courage I start moving towards the Shine and start touching his t shirt  from the arm and start pulling with so much fear if he will also scold me and after pulling his t shirt 2 times he see towards me with a full of anger and in fear I closed my eyes as I am also prepared for scolding but I don't know why I don't listen scolding so slowly I opened my open eye and see that Shine is looking at me smilingly and then I completely opened my both eyes  and see he is watching me with a full of nervousness and told me "sorry, I did not mean to afraid you and don't worry, I will not scold you there is you have no mistake".

Then, I said "but there is Jimmy have no mistake, he did not even understand the song but he tried his best to dance on it". Then, Shine said " in that he has a mistake because he didn't even follow the beats but can you tell me why you become afraid of me" and hold my hand with concern.

Then, I said "I thought you will also scold me like Jimmy and then I remember that food is on the gas so with fear I came near you and pull your t shirt". Then, Shine said "it means you are afraid of me in talking and food, oohhhh it must be burned" and he ran towards the kitchen. Luckily the food is not burned because the Shine already put the flame low and that's why the food is fully cooked and he off the gas and again came toward all of us and again stand in front of me and I again become afraid.

Shine said with his soft tone "why are afraid again and I have said naaa that I will not scold you and how can I scold such a cute and innocent kid" while holding my hands. Then, I finally remember that he is calling me kid and I make my face full of anger and even watching me he start laughing which increased my anger so much and I said "okayy you said Jimmy not dance properly then why not you show him that how to do dance" with full of smirk.

After watching my confidence, he also said "okayy, Tiger play the song". Tiger play the song and now he start dancing according to the beats and he dance so perfectly and I fall into him and forget about the surroundings then suddenly in my mind there comes a idea and I also start dancing, at first he get confused but forgetting that he continued with his dance and I start dancing according to the lyrics and as the song is related to the talk husband and wife so I sometime start pointing at him and he just forget to dance after seeing me watching him with full of love and when I see he already stop dancing then I asked "what happened mr dance master why you stop dancing" then he said "nothing I am just see that you dance very beautifully but you don't dance according to the beats but your expression are nice during the dance" while all other members are shocked because they also see that he stopped in between but also praising me even when I don't dance according to the beats and most surprising thing for them is that he even praising me rather than scolding me. 

I said "I know but you lose as you can't able to dance on the song and now there is time for your punishment". After listening me all members are even hella shocked that I will punish Shine as he never get punishment and even in the group no one have the courage to give the punishment to him and here he listening me silently without even defending himself.

Then, Jimmy said "forget about it Maha, don't give him punishment please na" then I said "why he is also scolding you but you still defending him".

Jimmy said "actually not able to dance is also the punishment for him as he is the best dancer of our group". Then, I said "what if he is the best dancer it does not mean that he can't lose I win over him and as he lose so he must be get punishment".

Jimmy continuously trying to make me understand then suddenly Shine said "okay, tell me what is my punishment". Then, I start thinking and I remember his confession in hospital and said "Okay, you have to give me one promise are you ready for that" Jimmy asked "what promise what did you want".

Then, I said " please shut up Jimmy and Shine promise me that what I will say you will do that".

Shine said "okay tell me what you want as a promise". I said " are you ready to listen".

I hope you like this part and the next part will be so much interesting and please don't forget to vote, comment and share my story.

Precap- Maha's promise and Shine's confession.    


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