growing mold

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my rooms a mess
but my head for once feels clear

when i cover the floor
no one can see my tears

the smell of rotting food
covers up the scent of you

i can't let it linger
my cold empty fingers

i make my bed everyday,
helps me to not remember

the wrinkles you made

i'll take a bite of this old rotted surprise,
it still will not hurt the warm heart inside

the way you did with the things you do

why did i ever think to love you?

flattened my heart out like an old tattered pillow,

blamed me for mess that you left on the table,

guess that it's time I took out the trash.

no matter how long I scrub the feeling still lasts...

bleaching my bones
rewinding this brain

wish I could undo the scars that you made

but you know that I can't so
i'll sit here instead

take in the feelings from

your mess that i made?
your mess that i made?

- diaryofalittlestar

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