Chapter 1- Party poopers and concrete splinters

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Mark slammed the black bin bag of full grey stuff cans on the table,Wallter looker over his newspaper to see what it was,seeing the cans he sighed and put the news paper down.

"Wallter,tell me what tis' is?" Mark said sternly though his southern accent showing through gritted teeth.
"It seems to be a bag full of grey stuff Marcus." Wallter answered.
"Did you really go buying that stuff behind my back again?" Mark sighed.
"You throw most of MY cans away anyways..i picked up some leftover from party noobs party Sunday" Wallter spoke.

Wallter never lied to Mark not even once,he was always honest and truthful.
Wallter thought back...way back to when they first met to think how they first met to where he was now.

Wallter met Mark during one of his work lunch breaks,they used to work at the same company that Mark still works now,slowly they bonded over their love for building things,hobbys,and overall their love of work ship.

Mark stated to Wallter he grew up poorly,very poorly and being a victim of a war between wood and plastic mannequins,Wallter fully accepted this and shortly 2 months later Wallter proposed to Mark,who was thrilled over it,marrying him around the new years and having their honeymoon in bloxywood,Wallter's home place.

Lampert,bless his heart,was found in a box right outside the the street where Wallter was coming home from a night out shopping forgetting a few things,Wallter who looked far and wide around the place for his mother couldn't be found,so Wallter brought some important baby needs for little Lampert and took him home,waking Mark up with a surprised expression on his face as he saw Lampert being fed by a bottle.

Lampert grew up as both their son of their own,Lampert never questioned it since they were all based of materials,buying Wallter one of those cans of grey stuff to try,and one can was it,it became an addiction that Mark wasn't happy of,Wallter couldn't,slowly becoming someone Mark didn't recognise with anymore,so the arguing started,the bickering,the late night fights none were aware Lampert heard.

Wallter filed for divorce,both ending on sad,but okay terms,agreeing Lampert was going to be joint custody until he turned 18,Lampert mostly stayed some nights with Infected,unpleasant and a random player who they both knew of,just never got their name (hehe its me :)). Wallter never really cared though as long Lampert was safe.

Several years passed since then about 4/5?,Mark and Wallter had recently got back together around the end of the month after Lampert's 19th birthday,which they both thought it was a good idea to give it another shot.

Wallter snapped out of it realising Mark was gone?. Mark wasn't the one to normally storm out during arguments. mostly it was Wallter was the one to do it.

"Mark?....sweetie are you okay?" Wallter called out,getting coughs and wheezing as a response.

Wallter ran upstairs to the bedroom where Mark was kneeling on the floor gripping the top side of his bed.

Mark kept his back turned.

"Sorry darlin' didn't mean to scare ya' like that" Mark managed to get out those words before Wallter picked him up minding how strong and heavy Mark was,placed him on the bed,staring at his boyfriend,worried.
"Don't be sorry Mark,whats most important is that you're okay" Wallter said softly sitting next to the mannequin rubbing his back,seemingly whatever Mark went through had left as fast as it came.

Wallter will most likely have to keep an eye on Mark for now.






Party's were the worst for Pest,though he didn't mind them,he wasn't really fond of them if included the yellow idiot that wouldn't leave him the fuck alone for the rest of his life.

Though Pest knew Poob was only interested in being friends with him,didn't mean Pest had to start acting nice around them,he had more important things to do,like pick-pocket other players,though strange enough only one player didn't mind it,in fact they spared him a couple coins whenever they met because 'they had enough and will most likely earn more' which in all honesty Pest felt kinda bad,in exchange giving them a soda can or a sweet or any treat as a thank you. (i'm currently feeding my inner Pest fangirl and to all the other fans because yes)

Pest was on the elevator watching Bive twitching out about Split's new studio,and Flesh cousin the weirdo spurting out weird fucking garbage not even he understood.
Pest mumbled something in Japanese causing Poob to perk up.

"Hey Pestz you comin to my parti sunday?" Poob said jumping up and down.
"I'd rather not" Pest said sternly.
"Aweeeeeeeeeee come onnn? pls?" Poob said
"No" Pest replied
Bive was about to say something but,decided against it.
"What part of no do you not understand?" Pest chittered clearly annoyed and not in the mood to enduce this bullshit any longer,he growled saying something in Japanese and turned away,seeing the elevator open to the cardboard mansion took it as the best option to leave,leaving Poob very upset.

Poob stared upset at the exit of the elevator,wanting to follow Pest,but was too shut down to try and follow him,so they just looked elsewhere,seeing Bive they perked up.

"Bive! you comin to the parti?" Poob asked.
"AS LONG AS THEIRS NO GOVERNMENT SPYS THERE TO CAPTURE ME yournotoneofthemare you?" Bive questioned
"Nopez! not at all uhh a spy thingamajig" Poob said happily still confused what Bive meant.
"Great! i'll study this and take notes of this 'party' thing of yours to see its full importance to my case!" Bive said extremely happy.
"GREAT" Poob shouted,finally someone who didn't push them away like Pest does,they finally get a chance to party with a new person!

As the day reached to a close the elevator doors opened to...Gnarpy's and Spud's area...great they were stuck in this floor area until tomorrow,Spud Poob and Bive wouldn't mind but Gnarpy xey were trouble for Bive,Bive didn't like Gnarpy the same as Gnarpy didn't like her all that keen back.

Whats the worse that can happen?...oh right the creepy mannequin could be here too.

(Hiiii! Amari here again hope you all like this chapter! i'm gonna post here as well as post this fanfic on A03 and the first 2 chapters from now on! next chapter will involve Gnarpy,Spud,Poob and Bive...and maybe a little bit of Glevil haha,i once again hope you all like this chapter and see you all in the next chapter!)

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