Chapter 2- HOLY SPUDS!

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(JUSSSTTTTT A QUICK NOTE: SwibbleDib in my hc to be Gnarpy's step-sibling different fathers same mother,SwibbleDib is childhood friends with Infected and basically knew Kasper before infection,just unfortunately watched the virus take over him,SwibbleDib also goes by she/they and is demigirl and omni!)




Gnarpy slammed the pen onto xer desk,SwibbleDib stopped petting Spud for a second,staring right at xem.
"Theze glorping playerz mezzed up everything! all of them juzt showed up out of the zimpking! bluez when i waz thiz CLOZE" Gnarpy ranted standing up from xer desk chair and walked towards SwibbleDib and Spud.

"Not my fault the elevator showed up randomly,plus my shift starts in an hour and i'd rather not watch you add another list of gleeping war crimes to your record" SwibbleDib sighed patting Spud to get off her which Spud did.
"Father would never approve of thiz,knowing you're hanging out with human FILTH" Gnarpy spat out,xer human hatred was clear,thats why xey brutalised and transformed Spud in the first place.

"Whats Kasper got to do with your 'take over the planet' plan? holy glorp dad wouldn't care at all" SwibbleDib spoke out before Gnarpy's expression to fear.

SwibbleDib turned around..face to face to a mannequin where Spud originally was. And a weird glitchy faced one behind it.

"Pardon me,but i'm looking for someone...important at this moment...where can i find this...Split women?" It spoke.

SwibbleDib turned around to Gnarpy watching as Gnarpy's cogs turned xey knew Split since xey would see her in the elevator time to time but...xey didn't know in glorps name where she usually was,xey shook xer head no,SwibbleDib did the same,since they couldn't board the elevator at all they would drive to work,accationally see them at Infected's place but that was it,they weren't really close to her.

"Shame..i thought one of you two would have any info" the mannequin sighed. "But at least your little play toy would be nice in my collection" It said before vanishing,with Spud as well.

"What in the ZORP WAS THAT" Gnarpy yelled before alarms went off SwibbleDib quickly ran to the control room,spotting it was an alarm of nearby people,Poob and Bive...great what Gnarpy needed as xey saw the control alert,the party fanatic and the pain in xer fur.

Gnarpy opened xer spaceship door walking out to greet them.

"Gnarpy! thans goodness your here! u look a bit shaken up thos..u okay?" Poob asked worrying for the space cats safety.

"I'm perfectly fine! just had some gleep come in and steal my best body gaurd so i'm fineeeee" Gnarpy said sarcastic and all.

"DID THE CLOWN MAFIA COME HERE???"Bive yelled ready to run in to catch any evidence she had on the secret clown mafia.

All of a sudden Poob was grabbed by the shirt by SwibbleDib.
"Where is Infected?" She asked "I got to check up on him now." She shouted

Poob stared at SwibbleDib taking in their breath and sighing.

"Dibby..last time i saw him was Friday...i have no clue where he is" Poob answered





"F#####CK" Infected shouted losing a game of call of duty to either stupid teammates of bullshit hackers
Infected left the game and turned off his computer deciding to scream into his pillow was the best option,the last he wanted was that fucking radiant coming into his room screaming about how they were watching 'important skibidi toilet and gartan of banban lore'.

"Th1s f#ck1ng gam3 is bulls##t" Infected said before sneezing and blowing his nose and threw the tissue in the overflowing bin of tissues,empty chip packets and mountain dew and monster cans.

Infected snuggled in his bed filled with plushies of his favourite games,shows whatever mostly snuggling with a cute alien plushie with a UFO shirt on that SwibbleDib got for him.

God it smelt like them,her coconut smelly perfume still lingered on it it smelt so fresh like tropical beach smell.

He just wanted that plushie to be her,to smell the perfume she wore,to feel their breath against his,to feel around her waist as he snuggled into her,he could feel the redness from his face grow and slowly began to take his pants-

Infected frantically sat up from his bed watching his room door open,seeing it was Lampert he calmed down still red as a tomato.

"Dud3 wth? kn0ck n3xt t1me you c0m3 0v3r y0u alm0st gav3 m3 a h3art attack" Infected screamed.

"your rooms a complete mess gah! whens the last time you cleaned it?" Lampert looked around seeing the room a complete man cave,germ,filthy man cave.

"Why d03s that 3v3n matt3r?" Infected questioned sneezing.

"Dude you've been in your room for days,plus hiding from the world isn't good for you...and your med's are in the bin" Lampert picked up the pills in the trash addressed to 'Kasper'.

"I k33p t3ll1ng y0u dud3 th3r3 n0t m1n3! my nam3s 1nf3ct3d not kasp3r!" Infected got up just in his boxers and snatched the pill bottle out of lamperts hand.

"The elevators down for the day so i'm stuck at yours,i'll tell dad ill be home tomorrow and sleep on the couch for tonight,i'd rather not go six feet near your roommate,cant understand why you're still living with him,i'll help you clean up your room tomorrow" Lampert said,Infected nodded.

Infected has thought of getting a new cat recently,hes given up on poptart now...he doesn't think poptart isn't even gonna come back..she's probably someone else's cat now wherever poptart escaped to.

Infected watched Lampert go to sleep for the day,plugging himself into a empty spare plug socket and watched unpleasent,who he scowled at go in their room for the day.

He laid in his bed again looking at the plushie again,taking another sniff of that smell.

he wondered if SwibbleDib was okay,maybe she was at work on the night shift again,maybe with her sibling again,Infected looked at the bottle of pills again,who was Kasper?,why was that name so familliar to him,his head hurt thinking about it.

maybe he'll go visit her at work one day,once the elevators back on again.

Little did he know by the window a strange figure watched him close his eyes.

(uh oh hello its me Amari again,seems Infected's in a little bit of a pickle now,next chapter is gonna be Split and her siblings! as well as DR RETRO yay! since DR RETRO has voice lines and interactions now! so finally i get to write her!,i hope you enjoy this and i'll talk to you all in the next chapter!)

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