Chapter 3- A whole bunch of bananas

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Split entered her house that seemed to be empty,her mother was probably out for the night at work and her father in his study room,she could hear the tv blasting some type of video game and heard her siblings.

Banry was the eldest of the bunch,though for his peers he was the smartest of them all,Banry didn't technically raise them just more of a babysitter,he had puzzles and Lego sets in his room,though nobody was allowed in his room because of the fear something might break,Split worried for her older brother sometimes.

Nan was the sibling born after Split,though wasn't the brains of it all shes still a wild child,even though Dennis and Banry believed Nan was adopted,that wasn't really the case taking on the wild card of Split as well.

Dennis is the youngest,he's still technically a baby still but he isn't as young or as old as the others,Split watches Dennis be babied by her mother most of the time,since her fathers mostly busy,but only time will tell.

Split walked into the kitchen grabbing a glass and turning on the tap,she was pretty thirsty after the long day setting up the studio,as well as trying to get it working,before she could take a sip,she heard something,looking outside she saw...what looked to be like Mark?,but Mark was at home with Wallter most likely,so...why would he be in her backyard? she went to the backyard door before noticing he was gone..odd,maybe it was her eyes playing tricks because of the stress?.

Split heard her siblings arguing mostly Banry trying to make sure Dennis didn't throw a tantrum,Split sipped her water going into the main room,watching Banry play super mario 64,Dennis sat on the floor watching and Nan trying her best to try and destroy some random plushie.

Gently sitting down watching the tv blast the old fashion mario 64 music,she watched the tv and sipped her water.

"Hey kids" Splits mother could be heard in the hallway sounding very tired. "Nan don't eat that" Splits mom,Ameila came into the room looked at the tv then gently ripped the plushie out of Nans mouth.

"Where on earth is your sisters chew toy?" Ameila asked.

"Destroyed it ages ago" Banry replied,Ameilas face shrived as she looked at Nan who was now fiddling with Splits hair,which Split didn't mind.

Split settled in her room later on,sitting on her bedroom floor with  a notebook full of jokes for tomorrows run,her first episode,shes just once,for once got her 20 minutes or more of fame.





Bive once the elevator started working around 2am went to go visit DRRETRO,though Bive fucking hated the doctors,had to go,maybe the yellow ball of a cat had any clues on the case?,she was a doctor so she would have records,entering the gumball machine world and sneaking through the secret door,she went to the A&E,looking for any sign of DRRETRO,seeing the feline sitting on the desk,most likely checking set records.

"Feline doctor?" Bive said.

DRRETRO chirped up spinning around,letting out a huff noise curiously,Bive gulped.

"I want to know if you've had any type of records regarding,mannequins?" Bive questioned.

DRRETRO spun back mewing,Bive went next to her as she brought up the databases,Mark coming in last week for burns,most usually that stupid rock mostly everyone hated because that thing was annoying,Jimmy and Boots coming in for just annual check ups,and one database for Glevil,coming in with concerns of a broken arm,Bive stared at the database for that,egging DRRETRO to look more into it.

Glevil at march 20th came in with concerns of a broken arm,though the arm was perfectly fine it seemed to have reintegrated back to health without DRRETROS help Glevil was dispatched 2 hours later just for 17 patients to rush in in critical condition due to burns,or a meteor shower.

Bive wrote everything down in her case file getting a print of those records from RETRO,and she rushed back to the elevator,there seemed to be a pattern,the mannequin was going after strong npc's,tough npc's like spud because they could kill players or do something stronger.

Mark,Infected and Split had just got an update where they could hurt or disrupt the player...

Wallter had stated one day that Mark was feeling off.

Mark was next in line of sight.

Bive had questions for Mark,which won't or will be helpful.






Mach watched as the wheel spun landing on all 4 options,she had to make sure it didn't break after all,recently Pilby has gotten,smaller...maybe Pilby used height stuff to make him look taller?Mach couldn't help but chuckle,he was cute after all,all small and fitting in her hand,Pilby had that charm to him,Mach had a secret though,when nobody's around,she shrinks to his size to see what its like.

She admits,the occupational try of his trombone,sneaky eating a frozen apple without him knowing,just wanting to be in Pilby's shoes.

To feel...



She could still hear her sisters screams,their begs,their cry's,and she watched it,the gashes and blood splattering the walls,her crying out for her beloved sister's,the torment,and the burning cruel sensation of burning metal on her,scolding hot as it melted in her skin.

She was a bio-weapon,a goddess,a force not to be tested with lightly,even MR knew not to get on her bad side and even feared her.

Mach felt something back then,she can still FEEL it,but not as strong as before,she wanted to bite something,rip the metal off to feel human.

Pilby didn't deserve to be friends with a monster like her,a cruel monster.

She heard the door open,watching as Pilby walked in.

"D'oh...was I interrupting something?" Pilby spoke,turning his head curiously

"No...your just in time actually" Mach said softly.

Pilby debated on questioning Mach further but he didn't want to upset her badly so he nodded and walked back out waiting for the players.

Mach didn't want Pilby to see of hear her cry,so she put her hand over her mouth and sobbed.

Sobbed for her sister's.

Sob for the life she was robbed.

Sob for poor Pilby and herself.

Until the elevator arrived.

(RAHHHH HAHAHAHAHA the angst is REAL,in all realness though Mach NEEDS a hug fr,what am i planning for next chapter? Infected and Unpleasant angst OFC,as well as Lampert having to stop his dad's arguing ofc,i know this is a spive fanfic ik,but its coming dont you worry! we'll have yuris soon enough,im just Slowly building to it dw,but i'll see you all in the next chapter!!)

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