Chapter 5 - Cough up what you already have will ya?

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Infected watched as Bive paced the elevator,for the love of god Bive couldn't stand still,Split was also concerned to it,a weird thing happened while going down,Bive swore to whatever fucking god it was that it didn't see Infected,if it had seen Infected,it seen Split too.

"Bivey,let's just calm down,if it had seen me i would have seen it too! and i would have told you already because i didn't meaning it was probably just his eyes playing tricks" Split said soothingly.

"DON'T ACT LIKE IT'S NOT OUT TO GET US! itsfuckingouttogetallofus! ME YOU and thatgoddarnskaterboy!" Bive yelled fidget-ting.

"h3y! 1'm th3 b3st skat3r 3v3r! 0fc y0u d0n't und3rstand h0w aw3s0m3 1 am" Infected sneezed straight after,Lampert would hurl at the sight of that snot and gunk he coughed up just now.

Bive shrived at the sight of him,she couldn't understand Split's friendships with people,right now Split giving tissues to help clean up the mess he made in the elevator.

"Bivey,if it were out to get him wouldn't you think it already would have?" Split said.

Bive walked up to Split,before planting her face on Split's chest much to the fruit-taur's surprise.

Bive mumbled something,but it was 100 percent sure Bive begrudgingly needed a good night sleep,she was up most nights due to her crazy antics,and Split was normally one to stay over to make sure Bive slept.

Split felt her face go hot before hearing Infected going "fuck1ng l3sb0's k1ss alr3ady g0d.",which Split will most likely give him a slap on the cheek later,she could vaguely see her flat chest,being trans and the hair/fur,Bives hair was flat and soft,Split decided finally to stop looking,before wondering.

Was the best thing to do was wait till everything was back to normal to ask?,ask Bive to be with her,spend the best of eternity with her?,Split heard another that wasn't her own.

"Do you think it would be wise of you to?,Bive is so caught up in her work she'll most likely forget you two were even together." 

Split shook her head fighting those thoughts back,Infected stared confused and Bive looked up at her confused.

Split was shaking,her eyes widened,it was right there,in front of her,in front of everyone,just staring at her like some doll.

"Don't worry dear,i only want to borrow you for a 'Split' second" it said turning its head to the side.

Bive turned around for a moment,wondering what Split saw,before snapping back to see Split gone.

Bive started to panic,realizing Split was gone.

"H0LY SH1T DUD3!1!11!" Infected yelled.






Mach woke up confused,slowly looking where she was,she was shrunk down normal size in Pilby's room,with Pilby curled on top of her like a cat,she gently panted a hand on him...she,really hot,did she overheat again?,go too far?..she remembered going into DRRETRO'S world,going in for a normal check-up,getting her medication and leaving.

But god she felt sore all over,seeing Mark there as well,but he seemed fine though,apart from Lampert being with Mark,Wallter was nowhere to be seen at all,Mach shrugged it off as Wallter was probably busy with something,plus Mark was more then enough to handle himself.

Taking a deep breath she slowly sat up,waking Pilby in the process.

"D'oh....5 more minutes please.." Pilby whispered before shifting and all for arms wrapped around Mach's body before yelping his hand being burnt on a metal plate,falling backwards before Mach held onto him helping him back up to to the bed.

"D'oh you okay?" Pilby said rubbing his bottom left hand.

"I should be saying it to you then to me" Mach coldly explained.

"...still,you don't look too well.." Pilby said grabbing Mach's hands.

Mach face went a small red colour,she looked in awe,this was the most emotion she felt in a long time she finally said something.

"Your awefully cute Pilby" Mach said softly

Pilby went red,redder then Mach's hammer,he gulped as he inched closer to her,closer slowly as they both looked directly into their eyes.

Mach helped Pilby onto her lap,even being normal size like any other npc then how huge she is,Pilby was still smaller then her.


Pilby's hands left on her stomach and chest as Mach gently leaned down,slowly giving each other small kisses on the lips,Pilby slowly put his hands up Mach's chest feeling her breasts and bra,Mach softly winced at the feeling,the feeling she never got to experience until now.

"D'oh...should i go any further?" Pilby hesitated,he was planning on having sex with a god A GOD!

Mach softly nodded,both agreeing to do what they thought was unthinkable,Pilby gently took off Machs trousers staring at it,she was soaking excitedly,Pilby gulped before exposing himself to her,they both stared at each other,Mach laid down so Pilby could have better access to her,softly spreading her legs.

Mach cooed as she felt Pilby's head on her stomach arms wrapped carefully around her as he slowly prepared for the next thing.

Mach felt it enter her grabbing Pilby's hair for a little support as she got used to the feeling,Pilby even though he was small,was ok in pleasuring scales,not big,not small,just right in Mach's eyes for her.

Pilby looked up at Mach,who gave him the go ahead,he softly thrust-ed,earning a soft gasp from Mach.

They both enjoyed it,Mach giving Pilby praises as he pleasured her,Pilby was giving it his all,his best wish to please and hopefully breed the women he desired,following his natural cues of life and the cycle to continue,Mach didn't mind if she got knocked up by Pilby,maybe she can start a family of her own,it was about time she moved on.

Pilby and Mach finished at the same time calling out to one another before Pilby completely collapsed on top of Mach,finishing inside of her,Mach didn't mind,since mostly she probably can't have children at all due to her body modified.


Pilby had left to go clean up their encounter while Mach put everything she had back on,grabbing the hammer,she was tired but she had a job to do.

Seeing Bive and Infected in the main lobby Mach approached in her massive size like she always has been.

"Hm...what can i help you two with" Mach asked.

They both looked at each other before Bive spoke up quivering.

"I need your help,I think i know who took Split" Bive said.

Mach looked down and snarled.


Her voice boomed throughout the lobby causing Pilby to run out confused.

Mach looked at Pilby before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I got someone to deal are in charge until i get back" Mach said,Pilby nodded.

Mach slammed her hammer on the ground causing her to teleport into Glevils room,his room.

"Dear,it's so nice to see you" Glevil smirked those glitching features peered into her soul.

"It's Mach to you.Glevil." Mach's eyes squinted at him.

(HEYYYY 2 MORE CHAPTERS TO GO NOW! hope you enjoyed the smut,or if not i hope you enjoyed the fic,dw after this fic is done theres more to come ofc! i have alot planned of stories in the future hehe i don't have much to say apart from that,but i'll see you all in the next chapter (and warning the last 2 will be LONG))

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