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After the long night the two of them had together, they had fallen asleep in each other's arms. Suzanne's head resting on his shoulder as her arm was laid across his stomach. Dewey having one arm around her as his head rested on hers.

Eventually, her eyes fluttered open to the light of the morning sun hitting her face with warmth. A small hum leaving her as she felt more awake. Glancing at Dewey as he was still asleep. It made her cheeks grow warm and pink.

She found it hard to believe that her and her crush had spent one night together. Lightly moving her hand up his chest and to his cheek. Caressing it faintly as to not wake him up.

Dewey stirred either way. Waking up to her faint touch. Adjusting to the bright light getting into his room. His eyes softened when he saw her awake. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips. Watching her for a moment.

"Morning.." Dewey lightly spoke. His morning voice a tone deeper than his normal tone.

"Good morning." Suzanne softly spoke as she smiled back at him. Feeling a bit of happiness as she admired him.

Dewey smiled a bit more as he liked seeing her happy. Making sure that he didn't touch her injury. "About last night.." He spoke up.

"Yes?" Suzanne asked as she studied his features. Worried about what he would say next. "Is something wrong? You don't.. regret it, do you?" She asked. A bit hesitant to know his answer.

"No. No, of course not. I will not regret this wonderful night together. I would let it happen again if the chance ever arose." Dewey spoke as he held her closer. "I was going to say.. if you wanted to be something more.."

Suzanne quietly thought about it. "Stu will kill you if he finds out." She spoke.

"Is that a no?" Dewey asked a bit disappointed as he glanced away.

"No." Suzanne spoke as she moved her hand to his chin. Having him look at her once more. "What I am trying to say is...I really want to be more with you. I just want to keep things a secret. Stu will not approve of us and I don't want him to make us never see each other again." She explained.

Dewey listened as his look of disappointment went away. Being replaced by one of understanding about the situation with her brother. "Well I can agree to those terms. You can come here so we can see each other."

A small blush on her cheeks as she smiled. "I will. I want to see you when I can and spend time together." She spoke. "I will act like normal and like nothing happened."

"As much as I don't like hearing that I will do as needed." Dewey spoke. "We should probably change before the other two wake up." His hand caressing her cheek a bit more.

"I want to stay here with you for a while longer." Suzanne hummed as she leaned into his touch. She didn't want to move away just yet.

"Five more minutes?" Dewey asked.

"Ten more minutes. Just ten more." Suzanne pleaded.

"Ten more minutes it is." He agreed. Relaxing as he pulled her closer to him. His chin resting on the top of her head. His hands rubbing her bare back and enjoying the calming morning. Closing his eyes once more.

Suzanne smiled as she closed her eyes as well. Leaning closer to him and letting her head rest on his chest. Inhaling his calming scent while her hands rested on his chest. Getting to enjoy the ten minutes they had before they got up and got dressed. She was too comfortable in her spot besides him.


Suzanne had arrived at school just in time to see that Gale Weathers was there and had been saying some things towards Sidney. Walking over at the moment as she placed a hand on Sidney's shoulder. "Is everything alright?" She asked. Facing Sidney and then giving a small glare towards Gale.

"We're just about done." Gale spoke with a small look on her face of distaste of being cut short. She wanted more information out of Sidney to keep her book interesting enough for people to want to buy. Her book had the possibility of saving an innocent man's life according to her.

"Well then never talk to her again." Suzanne replied with a fake smile. Making Sidney walk in front of her.

"And you are?" Gale asked.

"Suzanne Macher. One of her best friends. Not that you should know any of that." Suzanne replied as she went to walk away as well.

"Ah yes. The girl who was stabbed yesterday at the infamous Prescott home. I saw you last night. I was wondering if anyone had really been attacked or not. Seeing as Sidney was wrong about Cotton Weary." Gale taunted.

The ginger listened as she held back from doing anyhing. Trying to walk away and pay her no mind but she couldn't. Not when she was mocking her friend in such a way. Turning back around as she landed a quick punch to her cheek. "Don't you have something better to do than stalk a pair of teenagers for fame?" She huffed.

Gale groaned as her camera man held her up. Placing her hand over her cheek as she compossed herself right away. She hadn't seen it coming.

Suzanne walked away with Tatum and Sidney as she scoffed a bit. Rubbing her hand a bit from the punch she gave. "She really gets on my nerves."

"Tell me about it." Sidney spoke. Walking with the two of them. "How's your shoulder by the way?" She asked as she turned to her friend.

"It will heal in due time but I just want to catch that guy and put him behind bars. It was a bitch move to attack someone from behind." Suzanne replied as she reached her locker.

Unlocking the lock before opening the grey door. Placing her things inside and only getting what she needed for her first class. Being two lockers away from Sidney's as she glanced over.

"How are you doing with what happened?" Suzanne asked lightly.

Sidney listened as she gave a small shrugged. "I will be fine. It was scary. Fighting off someone who tried to kill us and knew our names. I just- I feel like I should be watching my back every second. Not knowing when the next attack will be." She spoke as she had been affected greatly by what happened.

Suzanne nodded as she knew it was how she felt too. Watching her close her locker before someone dressed like the guy from the previous night ran past them and down the hall. Scaring Sidney and making Suzanne pissed about the fact that they were taking something serious as a joke.

They had already lost two students because of that masked guy and two more had been attacked and injured the night before. These cases were sure to grow in numbers if they didn't catch whoever was behind the mask. A killer was on the loose and that was bad enough that he seemed to know who they were.

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