Chapter Nine: Questions

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     Charlotte found herself in the kitchen, positioned opposite Esme and Carlisle

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     Charlotte found herself in the kitchen, positioned opposite Esme and Carlisle. The expanse of the elegant kitchen island was the only thing dividing them. Charlotte had opted to extend her stay, particularly since Bella's vampire transformation decision was still pending, leaving her to tackle Edward's brooding demeanour. While Bella handled that, Charlotte took the opportunity to engage with the rest of the family, eager to deepen her understanding of them. Amidst their conversation, Esme said something that elicited a hearty laugh from Charlotte.

"I must say, you have a lovely home," Charlotte remarked, her gaze drifting through the expansive windows encasing the surroundings. "It's secluded, surrounded by nature," she continued, her breath almost swept away by the natural beauty surrounding them.

"Take it, you're a big outdoors person?" Carlisle spoke, prompting Charlotte to turn her gaze back to meet his golden eyes.

"Oh, absolutely," Charlotte replied, her voice filled with passion. "Nature has always been my sanctuary. There's something so refreshing about being surrounded by trees, feeling the earth beneath your feet. It's where I feel most connected, to be honest," she spoke with such fervour, letting her words flow freely as if she was pouring her soul into the conversation. "My Grams and I -- we have a garden filled with herbs and spices of all kinds. Tending to it brings me happiness. Mostly because I spend time with her," She shared with a smile, noticing the gentle gazes Carlisle and Esme offered in return. Their smiles stretched to their ears, indicating their enjoyment of her conversation.

"It's evident that you love her deeply," Esme responded, her tone reflecting understanding.

"She's everything to me," Charlotte replied with admiration, her voice tinged with sadness as she acknowledged her grandmother's pivotal role in her life. With her parents deceased, her grandmother was her sole anchor.

"Are you hungry?" Esme swiftly changed the topic, sensing the weight of loss in Charlotte's words. They all understood grief, and they didn't want to push her to speak further if she wasn't ready. "I can make you something?" Esme inquired, already halfway turned, ready to prepare a meal at Charlotte's command.

"Thank you, but I ate before I came," Charlotte responded with a warm, sweet smile. "Knowing that you don't..." Her words trailed off, and she hesitated, rolling her wrists a few times, mindful of the fact that the family didn't consume regular food like humans.

"That's considerate," Esme acknowledged, turning her attention back to Charlotte. "Please, have a seat, Bella should be done soon," Esme added, her voice gentle as she extended her left arm toward the threshold separating the living room and kitchen.

Charlotte smiled in acknowledgement, silently bidding farewell to them as she stepped back into the room. Her eyes wandered the marvels of the house, taking in the meticulous decorations and the pristine cleanliness. Every item seemed to be carefully placed, adding to the overall ambience of elegance and comfort. Unsure of how long Bella might take, Charlotte slid her arms out of her leather jacket, feeling the material brush against her skin as she grasped it by the collar. With deliberate movements, she made her way over to the grey-coloured couch and lowered herself onto its cushions, gently placing her jacket beside her.

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