Chapter Four: The Truth Is Told!

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     Night had fallen, casting a veil of darkness over the town as I hurried to the theatre, excitement bubbling within me

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Night had fallen, casting a veil of darkness over the town as I hurried to the theatre, excitement bubbling within me. Already changed into more comfortable attire, I met Bella and Mike outside the brightly lit entrance. The buzz of anticipation filled the air as we joined the line, the chatter of moviegoers blending with the distant hum of traffic. As we waited, Mike and Jacob engaged in animated conversation, their voices rising and falling in sync with the ebb and flow of the crowd.

I seized the moment to lean in towards Bella, a question burning on my lips. "Do you think Mike still has a crush on you?" I whispered, catching her off guard. She met my gaze with a quizzical expression, her features illuminated by the soft glow of the theatre lights. With a nonchalant shrug, she turned her attention back to the line, the mystery of Mike's feelings left hanging in the air.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally reached the ticket booth, relief washing over me as I approached the counter. "Four tickets to see Face Punch, please," I requested, fishing a handful of bills from the depths of my back pocket. Handing over the cash, I exchanged a quick smile with the attendant as he swiftly handed me our tickets.

With tickets in hand, Bella and I rejoined the boys, excitement palpable in the air as we prepared to enter the theatre. "Jessica bailed, Angela got the stomach flu, so Eric's taking care of her," Bella announced to the group. 

"So it's just us four," I exclaimed, a note of excitement lacing my words.

"Great!" Jake exclaimed, his excitement evident as he took a step forward and nodded with a wide grin. Despite Mike's apparent displeasure, he begrudgingly accepted the situation. With determined strides, we entered the building, eager to find the screen room where Face Punch awaited us. Scanning the hallways, we located the entrance to our designated theatre and hurried inside.

As we shuffled through the rows of seats, Bella settled herself between Jake and Mike, while I took my place to Jake's right. The anticipation in the air was electric as we waited for the film to begin. Then, as the lights dimmed and the screen flickered to life, the room was engulfed in the gripping intensity of the movie.

Within the first few minutes, the screen erupted with action and blood, setting the tone for the adrenaline-fueled adventure ahead. As the plot unfolded with explosive fight scenes and relentless gunfire, I couldn't help but notice Jake's tense grip on the chair armrests, his hands slightly clenched. Bella shot a quick glance in his direction, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. Meanwhile, Mike appeared visibly uneasy, his complexion growing paler by the minute as if he might succumb to the intensity of the film at any moment.

"Okay, I think I'm gonna throw up," he exclaimed in a whisper, his voice strained with discomfort, before hastily grabbing his jacket and darting towards the exit. We watched in concern as he disappeared into the aisle, his hurried footsteps echoing before the door was shot open.

With heavy sighs, we rose from our seats and followed after him, the tension palpable in the air. Stepping into the main hall, we hurriedly trailed behind Mike as he made a beeline for the boys' bathroom, his urgency evident in every step.

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