Chapter Fifteenth: Shifts

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     After Edward dropped me off at home, he proceeded to Bella's home, dropping her off next

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     After Edward dropped me off at home, he proceeded to Bella's home, dropping her off next. As I entered my house, the familiar sound of the crackling fireplace greeted me, its warmth enveloping the surroundings. With a gentle click, I closed the front door behind me, the latch securing the entrance. The hallway stretched invitingly before me, leading to the heart of the house. Navigating through the hallway, I turned to the right and passed through the archway into the living room. The ambience was serene, illuminated by the soft glow of the fire dancing in the hearth.

"Where were you?" Grams' voice cut through the air, drawing my attention to her figure seated comfortably in an armchair by the fireplace. I met her inquisitive gaze, noticing the gentle light reflecting off her reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of her nose. A book lay open in her lap, to her enjoying a good book.

"Bella needed me," I responded, crossing the room to plant a brief kiss on my Grandma's cheek before settling onto the plush couch. As I sank into its embrace, I couldn't help but appreciate the softness of the cushions beneath me, a comforting reminder of the warmth and familiarity of home.

"Was it related to that vampire?" Her gaze bore into me as if she could decipher my thoughts with uncanny accuracy. I offered a simple nod in acknowledgement, confirming her suspicions, particularly regarding Victoria.

"That's another problem," I admitted sheepishly, studying her reaction briefly. However, she remained silent, prompting me to elaborate further. "Edward picked up this scent that belongs to another vampire in Bella's house, and they're unsure of who it is," I explained. It wasn't lost on me that my grandmother was well aware of the Cullens' vampiric nature, likely possessing this knowledge long before I did. "So, I've decided to stay with her until this thing is over and to make sure she's safe," I declared with conviction. Despite my firm tone, my grandmother couldn't suppress a wide smile of approval.

"Just like your mother," Grams replied, catching me off guard for a moment. "She was incredibly selfless, always prioritising others' needs above her own." She couldn't suppress the warmth of her smile as memories of her daughter—my mother—flooded her thoughts in a positive light.

"And I must have inherited my beauty from you," I quipped, eliciting a chuckle from her.

"What are you after?" She countered with a hearty laugh, fully aware of my jest. We shared laughter, the room enveloped in a sense of warmth and joy. "Charlotte, please be careful," her tone shifted to one of seriousness, compelling me to take her words seriously. "I won't lose you," she affirmed with love and protectiveness in her voice.

"You won't, Grams," I attempted to reassure her, conveying my ability to look after myself with a reassuring smile. Pausing for a moment, I let my previous words sink in before continuing, "Want to know something?" I asked, locking eyes with my grandmother as she arched an eyebrow in curiosity. "I told the Cullens I was a witch." A radiant smile adorned my face, akin to a shining star brimming with light and joy. "I had to. I needed to make sure I could protect Bella without fearing what they might do," I explained, expressing my reluctance to cast a spell and risk them becoming unsettled by my actions.

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