Of Kings (VALI)

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What do they want? What's this about? Do they see right through me? Shit! I was overly conscious of every small creak of my chair and how harried Father looked as well. If he was uncertain, even with his omnipresent calm...

"What is it you need of me?" I asked, folding my hands together on the tabletop to show I had no tricks, just in case I'd somehow been caught in a slight I was unaware of.

Uncle Thor chuckled and looked at Father. "I can't believe the man he's turned into. Can you? Why, I still remember when he was just a child, constantly getting into trouble. Hasn't lost any of his resemblance to you, though."

Father blinked a few times and nodded, though he was reserved. His expression gave little away other than his uncertainty.

"Mm...and the people of New Asgard have taken notice of him as well," said Heimdall, smugly pressing his lips together in a smile that reigned in an impish attitude I normally saw in Father. "He's a natural leader. A good teacher. Cares for the people and has enough strength to be seen as a shield as much as a sword."

Uncle Thor finished his thought without hesitating. "Right. And since you've set such an example for the citizens of Narvlheim, Loki, there have been talks by the people of New Asgard to adopt an election since they have a preference for someone other than who is expected."

I furrowed my brow at the twisted code, still too surprised to easily unravel what it meant.

"What do you mean by that?" Father asked, putting words to my thoughts.

Uncle Thor looked sternly into Father's eyes, then kicked his chin toward me.

At once, Father's eloquence was stolen. "What?" He flustered back and forth between looking at me and Thor. "Are you certain? But...w-what about—"

"I don't believe he desires it, nor has he earned it. There is much for him to learn. Ruling isn't in his heart, as it was never truly in mine. You always had a greater understanding of such things, and your boy has clearly taken after you in this respect. All he needs to do is agree, and steps can be taken to ensure his ascension is protected and prepared for."

"Do you understand what's being asked of you?" Heimdall asked, commanding my attention away from the downright stare I gave straight at Uncle Thor.

I was lightheaded. Dizzy. Why is the room moving?

Father quickly swiped his eyes—a move I hadn't seen in nearly a decade—and rested his hand on my right vambrace. "Gods, in all my life, I must've wished for this a thousand times. Vali...the people have chosen you."

"I don't understand." I held my hands up and backed away from the table in hopes the rocking of the world would stop. It didn't. "What's this about rule? A soldier's duty is never to rule."

"That is correct; a soldier's duty is to serve. But a king..." Uncle Thor gave me his patented grin, almost cloying in its optimism. "A king's duty is to rule with a benevolent hand and act as a mouthpiece to the rest of Yggdrasil. Words given to you have not fallen into an unknown void; you've honored all who come to you by listening and learning. You aren't daft or dense. Not too prideful to deny your mistakes. Your power speaks for itself and is used to help others instead of prop yourself up. Vali, can't you see...you are exactly what these people have been waiting for."

"If you say yes, you'll be the next king, Vali." Father's lower lip quivered, never able to fully hold back like a dam restraining his strong emotions. Now, it threatened to break.

"King?" I didn't think my heart could beat any faster than it was when we arrived, but I was wrong. Oh, so wrong. "Am I worthy of such a thing?"

Heimdall chuckled. "The fact you have to ask only proves the answer, young man."

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