Prince's Power (MODI)

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It wasn't the first time the redheaded servant tripped in front of me on purpose. Wasn't the first time I took her hand and offered her my company for the night. Certainly wasn't the first time I ordered her to strip bare and service me: first with her hands; then her supple, warm mouth and the parts of her body she swore had never been touched by a man.

But I knew they had been. I'd done it all before. She just couldn't recall, the poor thing; whenever we'd trysted in the past, I found a way to steal her memories and keep her begging at my door for attention. That didn't change her promiscuous past, yet I was the only man she tried to flatter with her lies. Virginity meant little; I only wanted her effortless submission, which was easier to obtain if she believed I saw her as anything other than an easy way to satisfy carnal release. In truth, she was worthless, like all women in the palace: a pawn with a pair of eyes and ears alone.

As I relaxed with my arms behind my head and looked toward the ceiling, she rolled into my side and trailed her fingers into my chest hair. "Will you be ready for another?"

I chuckled. "Oh, yes. But the night is getting on, and soon it will be time for you to go back where you came from."

She bristled a bit—something I was used to. The greatest benefit of my trickery was the freedom to speak however I'd like, and I tested the waters each time. Would I ever say something so callous and cruel to make her leave on her own without throwing her out? It made a delightful game.

"Surely you would rather I stay here and keep your bed warm, right, Sire?"

"Keep it warm?" I shifted to see her face and brought her chin up. "My bed is far from frigid, with or without you. And, my dear...oh...what was your name again?"

She furrowed her brow. "Rona."

"Yes, of course. As I was saying, my dear Rona—I might think you were out of warmth to give after spreading it to the sheets of every man in my army." I sat up and stretched my back with a groan, spreading my arms wide.

"Excuse me?" She finally reacted with something other than a passive acceptance and included an edge to her tone. Rising to her knees behind me, Rona touched my shoulder with intent to put me in my place. "Did you just—"

"Surely, you're aware it is a crime to lie to me." I patted her hand twice gently.

She froze. "Yes, Sire."

"And I trust you do not take me for a daft man." I softened my eyes when meeting her gaze again. "A woman who knows little about touch wouldn't be so willing to extend another invitation so soon. There is no need to be coy about your experience, Rona; I am well-versed in all your wiles. Relax."

The light in her eyes dimmed. Her hope for more than a single night's tryst disappeared—an appropriate assessment once she realized how little she had to offer me if she didn't have flattery, though that didn't stop her from trying. "Would it be worthwhile to admit how you rank amongst the conquests, then?" Rona chose seduction over innocence and spread her hands over both shoulders now, admiring my back tattoo. "Perhaps I can entice you with comparisons...secret desires...things to use as weapons against other men?"

"How clever."

"I can be of use to you. Maybe even enough to...earn some change of station?"

She certainly understood the importance of a bargain. I stood from the bed and made my way to the cabinet by the wall; as I spoke, I poured us both a small glass of liquor. "Go on, then. Spill those lips."

Her smug hum was accompanied by a vulgar spread of her legs. Any shyness she brought with her to the room ceased to exist. "Which ones?"

I chuckled and came back to her side with glasses in hand, though I didn't offer hers just yet and placed it on the nightstand. Instead, I rubbed my thumb over her lower lip. "Tell me what I want to hear, and I'll give you the pleasure of tasting me again."

A Familiar Foe - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now