[ ☕️ ]
"Hello, Princess." Her soon to be husband bowed to her as he took a seat across from her for their scheduled lunch date.
"Hello, Taehyun." She half smiled. She didn't reciprocate his energy that was full of joy and emotion. She could tell he had wanted this for a while—for years he had been enchanted by Akari. But for her, she always thought of him as a friend, as an acquaintance.
"Let us not make this too awkward of a meal—we are already familiar with each other." He clinked their tea cups.
"Yeah." She smiled. The meal was quite quiet as they shared mixed feelings.
"I'm sorry." He sighed. "I know your father randomly spawned this upon you—I wasn't even aware of it either until that night."
"No, I don't blame you at all." She shook her hands and sighed. "It might have been since you're the only man in the kingdom my age." She laughed.
"I'd like to think it's also since we're familiar with each other." He smiled as he tucked a stray black hair behind his ear. "So, how have you been?"
"Good," she nodded, "yourself?"
They took a sip of their tea each, the only sound was the echo of the tea cups hitting the table yet again. The room was decorated with white tablecloths, delicately complimenting the gold floral paint on the walls and the white glowing chandeliers. The room was beautiful but their chemistry was absent.
"The wedding was postponed until the end of the month—I told them it was too soon originally." He half smiled. "I hope that was alright, I could tell you were not to fond of the marriage idea."
"Oh, Taehyun, I'm—"
"Would you like some more tea? I think I was going to go ask for some." He smiled as she froze before nodding a bit. She watched him blink away the slight glimpse of tears.
She felt horrible—but she can't make herself fall in love. That's not how it works, but she could tell she broke Taehyun's sweet heart and she felt horrible about it.
[ ☕️ ]
"Do you really think he'll say yes?" The girl smiled, biting her lip lightly.
"Ara, you guys were a beautiful couple."
"I think I'm going to go for it." Ara smiled, brushing her blonde hair. "I'm going to get him back."
"You guys broke up for a reas—"
"Yeonjun still loves me!" She slammed her desk. "You saw the way he looked at me today! He still yearns for me the same way I do, Jaeyi."
Jaeyi sat back in her chair as she looked at the manic look in Ara's eyes. Ara hoisted her dress from trailing on the ground as she rushed downstairs. The expression on Jaeyi's face was as if she knew how this would go.
"Heejoon," Ara called as the man whipped his head around and widened his eyes.
"Yes, Ara?" He sighed, turning her way.
"I thought I told you to address me as Royal Highness?"
"I would never—I would only call the princes' future wife as such." He scoffed and turned his head to the gates as he guarded them.
"Exactly my point." She smiled as he rolled his eyes.
Everybody in the kingdom had known how much Ara tried to get Yeonjun back after their break up, but she continued shamelessly. "Regardless, you should address me formally as I'm higher in status than you are."
"Hmm..." He hummed. "You're a family friend and Heaven knows why he let you live here." He muttered before clearing his throat.
"What was that?" She smiled as if she were innocent.
"I'll surely think about it." Heejoon faked a smile and directed his attention forward to his duty.
"Anyhow, I came to ask," She looked around the room before asking her question, "Do you perhaps know where Yeonjun would be?"
"And why would I tell you that? The two of you split ages ago." He looked at her suspiciously.
"W-w-well, I uhm—," She stuttered, thinking of a lie off the top of her head.
"I'll save you the embarrassment and tell you he's in his bedroom, but the last thing he'd want is to be pestered right now."
"Thank you, kind servant." She smirked as Heejoon scoffed once he heard feet dashing up the stairs.
"She's reached peak delusion." Heejoon rolled his eyes and carried on with his duties.
The girl raced upstairs until she reached the doors that were locked. She ran a hand through her blonde hair and applied a light red lipstick to her lips. Adjusting her dress, Ara knocked on the door.
Out came a dashing boy with his natural black hair and black pupils. He was decorated with elegant floral patterns on his suit with gold buttons to accompany them. He made eye contact with the girl as he attempted to close the door until she stepped inside.
"You're lucky you're my father's best friend's daughter or else I would've banished you ages ago." He muttered.
"I came for a reaso—"
"Oh, let me guess the excuse this time!" He mockingly placed his finger on his chin and sat cross-legged in his chair. "Is there another mice outbreak in your room? Wait, could it be that you need help tying your hair? Oh, maybe it's that you need—"
"I came because I have a confession to make." She sighed after hearing his mockery. "Yeonjun, have I ever wronged you?"
"We would be perfect together!" She exclaimed, reaching her arms out and placing them on his shoulders. "We could reign Haeyong together and we could even—"
"Ara." He sternly looked up at the girl through his cold eyes. "We were over years ago. You were a childhood crush, nothing more." He stood up and looked at the girl in front of him. "I got over it forever ago and it's time you do too. Please, stop forcing something that isn't meant to be."
He sighed and brushed past the girl, walking out the door of his bedroom.
Ara crossed her arms in disgust, almost jealousy. "Choi Yeonjun, I'm gonna get you back."

war-ridden | 최연준
Fanfic"you betrayed me just like everybody else, but something in me wanted to believe you were different." from two opposing kingdoms, a forbidden love is formed. 최연준 | choi yeonjun fanfiction 2024 © minieberry_ 🏅 9 in #txtimagines